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Jimin came across a hallway he'd never seen before. Jungkook was out buying supplies for the garden and of course being Yoongi's husband meant he couldn't leave the castle.

Well, he could but he had to take a guard with him. When he spoke to Jungkook he wanted to be alone, not with an immortal spy that would let Yoongi know everything they'd talked about.

Technically, that could still happen when being in the castle but at least he couldn't physically see them spying.

As soon as he walked into the unknown room he gasped admiring the beauty. He took a few steps down the short staircase and got closer to the indoor lagoon.

He'd been living here for almost a month and he hadn't ever seen this beauty. Jimin wondered if it was a prohibited area and that's why he wasn't aware of its existence.

He looked around to make sure no one was around and then proceeded to walk towards it. On the far right end there was a glass door that led you to the garden. In the middle of the room was where the small lagoon was located.

The water was crystal clear, but there were a lot of lily pads making it seem like it was green and dirty. On the walls and ceilings the familiar plants were growing all around.

It seemed that the king didn't really care how  the castle looked. The ancient angel paintings, gloomy colors and plants growing on the walls was probably something most people would consider ugly, but not Jimin.

He removed his shoes and stuck his foot in the water. It was chilly as expected since it was an indoor lagoon with minimal sun exposure.

He started getting in not caring about how soaked his clothes would be. It was deeper than expected since the water got to his chin. There was a slight anxiety within him since he didn't know how to swim, but that didn't stop him continuing to stay in the water.

His body started shaking violently, not used to the cold temperature. Without thinking about it twice he held his breath and sank his whole body.

The water was excruciatingly cold. To the point his body contracted in a painful way to attempt to give him warmth. He mentally told himself his body would eventually get used to the temperature.

All of the sudden, he heard a big splash. Opening his eyes in the water was a mistake, but he needed to know where all the commotion was coming from.

As soon as he did he saw a blurry face that looked awfully familiar to Yoongi. He opened his mouth to scream but instead swallowed and inhaled water.

In a matter of seconds he was snatched out of the water. His body was still cold and numb. His eyes were closed and he was trying to breathe but it felt like something was in his throat preventing him from taking that gasp of air.

When he felt Yoongi's lips around his own, he felt himself panic. Not because he didn't want to, but because this is not how he envisioned their first kiss.

Yoongi was then pushing on his stomach and that made Jimin spit out the water he had accidentally inhaled. He sat up with Yoongi's help who was harshly patting him on the back.

"I—I'm okay." He said holding his hand up, but his throat was raw from the excessive coughing. His nose burned from the water entering and leaving. To top it all off his body was so cold that the uncontrollably shaking got worse.

Before Jimin could protest, Yoongi grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. "I—I am okay! I can walk on my—

"Hush brat."

Jimin's face was bright red and on fire as Yoongi walked through the hallway dripping wet with him over his shoulder.

He could feel the guards and employees stare at him as he walked by. His eyes were squeezed shut because the embarrassment was too much for him.

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