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"You have to try this bakery. It's the best one in town." Jimin gushed as he pulled Yoongi along.

Yoongi awkwardly smiled as they walked through the door holding hands. It felt bizarre to be out in public and enjoy it.

He did catch a few people staring, but he could care less. Even though they didn't know he was the king he was and therefore could do whatever he pleased.

Finally, Jimin let go and started pointing to the cupcakes in front of him. "I personally like the vanilla ones. The lemon ones are pretty great too."

"Okay. I'll get whatever you want."

Jimin smiled approvingly and started ordering for them. When they were done, they took a seat on a small table in the corner.

Yoongi tried the first cupcake and chewed it slowly. Jimin anxiously waited for his response as he finally swallowed.

"So? Isn't it the best?"

"It's okay."

"Okay? They're the best ever!"

"I like the ones you bake better."

Jimin instantly grinned from ear to ear. At times Yoongi said cute corny stuff that made his heart leap at unreadable speeds. He experienced feelings and emotions he didn't think were possible.

Min Yoongi provoked so many things at once.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yoongi wondered not wanting to be the only one eating.

"Oh yes. Sorry. I got distracted." He murmured slightly embarrassed.

As he started eating he felt himself smile. Yoongi couldn't help but watch him. He wondered how he'd been on earth for over one hundred and eighty five years and he just started living when he met Jimin.

The thought of their paths never crossing made him sick. Whatever the reason was for meeting him he was thankful that their times collided.

So perfectly and effortlessly. Though he hadn't expected him to fall in love he didn't regret it. Yoongi was irrevocably in love and there was no going back. Life without Jimin wasn't one.

Jimin finished his sweets and was satisfied. Yoongi smiled, noticing the icing under his lip. He reached over to wipe it off. He kept his hand under his chin while maintaining eye contact.

The action made Jimin blush uncontrollably because he had brushed his finger slowly against his bottom lip.

It sent images of Yoongi doing the same thing while being in bed. The thought itself made his knees weak and his stomach erupt with butterflies.

However, these thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Jimin noticing a guy across the room staring. This made him lean back to avoid further rude stares.

"Maybe we should go." Jimin said, slightly embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Yoongi asked, turning around.

Jimin quickly grabbed his hand to get his attention back. "It's nothing. Let's go."

"What happened?"

"There's this guy that was staring at us but it's okay."

"Staring huh?" Yoongi asked calmly.

Jimin felt his underarms starting to sweat. He got up from the table before something else happened. He ushered Yoongi to follow him.

"Let's go. I just don't want him to say something mean." Jimin whispered.

Yoongi slowly got up from the table. His eyes were a darker shade looking almost reddish orange. Jimin didn't think that he'd ever seen this expression on Yoongi's face. He was always so cool and so collected.

"I dare him to say something mean." Yoongi said loudly without turning around.

It was loud enough that everyone heard. They all looked towards them except the one guy in the corner. He looked quite petrified.

Jimin's anxiety caused him to grab Yoongi by the arm and pull him out of there. Of course Yoongi was much stronger and could oppose this, but he followed along.

He walked as far as he could until his nerves diminished a little. By then he had made it almost out of town back into the woods.

Jimin was quite tired from the long walk. He had to sit on the grass to catch his breath. There were sweat droplets on his forehead and his face was painted red from the exercise.

Yoongi took a seat next to him and waited for him to catch his breath. The sun was still exposed in the sky radiating warmness all around.

"We should go under a tree."

Jimin nodded, struggling to get up. He felt completely embarrassed for being so out of shape. His body felt sticky and moist from his sweat and he hoped he didn't smell bad.

"Hold on. I need a min—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi picked him up and took him to the nearest tree. He carefully sat him down and Jimin nervously  smiled. 

"Gosh, you must think I'm pathetic to be so weak."

"Not at all. That was a lot of walking we did. Plus, you were tense the whole time, adding more pressure to your muscles."

"Thanks for bringing me here. I didn't know I would make it any further." He admitted with a laugh.

"That's okay. Are you feeling better? I could go back and talk to that guy you know."

"No! I'm fine. It's just that...I know relationships like ours aren't common. Though humans live amongst immortals our society is still a little close minded."

"Trust me I know."

Jimin scooted closer to him and laid against his chest. He looked ahead at the town that was now far from them. He never thought he'd feel more comfortable in the castle than in his own town.

"Hey, it's okay. Things will change eventually. I've seen so many things change over the last one hundred years. The world will keep evolving." Yoongi said. He could tell Jimin was still slightly upset about the situation.

"You don't think it's wrong? Our love?" Jimin whispered.

Yoongi smiled, kissing the top of his forehead, "Of course not my love. How can something so beautiful and pure be so wrong?"

Jimin smiled because Yoongi was right. Something so beautiful and pure couldn't be wrong.

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