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Namjoon pointed to the stack of canned tomatoes. "Can I please get four?" He asked the man behind the stand.

"Of course." He responded by grabbing them and walking to the cash register.

As he was ringing him up, Namjoon heard a familiar voice next to him. When he turned around he saw the pretty golden man he'd once seen.

"I need the usual please."

"Of course sir."

Namjoon kept staring at him with wide eyes. This was the man that gave him the potion. Before he could turn his gaze away, Hoseok looked at him.

Timidly, Namjoon looked down. The man behind the register cleared his throat. "Sir?" He questioned. That's when Namjoon realized that he had been standing there waiting to be paid.

He bashfully gave him the money and grabbed the bag with the cans. Before he could make his way out, Hoseok got in front of him.

"Well hello." He said with a big grin.

"H—hello sir. Thank you for—for everything."

"For everything? Do I know you?" He asked with a smirk.

Namjoon then realized that this was not the man he'd met before. He had heard rumors that the potion person was a mystery and even Nayeon herself had confirmed that.

So he suddenly felt stupid for even thinking that the mystery potion person would reveal their true identity to him.

"I'm sorry. I confused you."

"Trust me, if I knew you, I wouldn't forget your face. We can always get to know each other though." He suggested flirtatiously.

Namjoon suddenly got nervous. The last thing he needed was to gather attention from an immortal that was connected to the kingdom. It was quite obvious he was important because the moment he started speaking, the humans working stopped immediately to serve his every need.

This man was very intimidating. He was confident and carried himself that way. Unlike the potion person who hid in the shadows.

"Excuse me sir, I am in a hurry." Namjoon mumbled slightly, bowing and walking away. He felt a little panicked and when he turned around he spotted the man still watching him with a smile.

His heart kept racing as he made his way through the crowd hoping he'd blend in with the rest. At one point he bumped into someone and quickly apologized before continuing to walk.

What he didn't realize was that the person he had bumped into was Jin. Again, he was impersonating another person, but when he saw Namjoon walk by his attention was drawn to him.

Jin knew that following him would be creepy and weird, but Namjoon seemed too nervous about something. So he kept his distance but watched him walk through the crowd.

Just when he was about to turn around and go on his way he saw Nayeon in the distance and Namjoon walking right into her. Eavesdropping had never been Jin's thing but he couldn't help it this time.

What if the potion hadn't worked and Nayeon didn't recognize Namjoon? So, he listened attentively at their interaction, feeling himself fall into a nervous void.

"Oh, so now you're not going to talk to me?" A smiling Nayeon said.

Namjoon froze and looked at the tiny human he had bumped into. He relaxed when his eyes landed on the petite woman in front of him.

"Miss, I was in such a hurry. I was in such a hurry that I didn't even recognize you."

"I see that. Where are you headed to?"

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