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Jin took a deep shaky breath as he approached the library front desk. His knees were trembling and his chest rising like he needed oxygen to breathe.

Being in Nayeon's body again was a sick torture for him. He now knew how acquainted Namjoon and her had been. From going on romantic dates to sharing kisses.

When he saw Namjoon filling out paperwork, he felt even more sick. He wore his usual attire only this time he had a pair of glasses.

Jin didn't think he could get any cuter. He cleared his throat and Namjoon looked quite surprised but inviting.

Though he was smiling Jin could still see he was hurting and that's why he needed to do this. He needed closure with him to give Namjoon that love potion he was seeking.

There was no way that he'd do it without saying goodbye first. Even if he wasn't being himself, he needed this closure to finally move on.

He cleared his throat and rehearsed Nayeon's pretty smile. It came naturally when being in her body. Being graceful, elegant and beautiful.

Namjoon had this big smile on his face, "Miss, I thought you were out of town again."

"Ahh. Yes, my trip got delayed. I thought I'd stop by a little bit."

"I'm glad you did. Are you looking for a book?" He asked as he removed his reading glasses. Placing them on the table.

"No, not at all. I came here to speak to you really quickly."

Namjoon looked around and nodded once he saw there weren't many customers around. He came around the big wooden desk and grabbed his hand leading him to another room.

Jin felt himself blush and get butterflies. This was a cruel thing to experience. He then realized where Namjoon had taken him. It was a storage room filled with old books.

"We keep our oldest books here. Mr. Taeil refuses to throw them away. I agree with him. We're trying to fix them one by one. Slow work, but fulfilling once accomplished." Namjoon explained.

Jin nodded and inhaled the scent of old books and paper. It was truly comforting. There was a small table in the corner with two chairs. He assumed that's where they fixed books.

"Ahh! Your dress is stained. It's been a while since I've seen that." Namjoon chuckled.

Jin quickly looked down to notice the very noticeable yellow large stain on the dress. He had to eat before coming over. Something had to fill the void.

"Dammit. I like to eat my burgers with a shit ton of mustard and I always get it on myself. Always!"

Namjoon kept laughing as Jin's eyes widened, noticing how he sounded more like himself than Nayeon. She would never say such things.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to curse. That's not lady like." He murmured embarrassed.

"Oh no don't worry. I like seeing this side of you. It makes you more beautiful in my eyes."

Jin's face was reddening even more. He sheepishly smiled, not being used to Namjoon's flirting. Then he slowly sunk back to reality, noticing why he was flirting in the first place.

"So, little miss, what do you need to talk to me about?" Namjoon asked with a bright smile.

Jin released a shaky breath he didn't know he'd been holding it. It made his chest physically ache. This would be the last time he would be in Nayeon's body talking to Namjoon in this way.

"I just wanted to say goodbye, that's all." He said through a smile.

"We've already said goodbye yesterday. Don't tell me you forgot?"

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