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Jin panicked as soon as there was a firm knock on his door. He quickly put on the black cape with the hoodie to hide his face.

He didn't even know why he was so nervous about seeing Namjoon when it wasn't going to be done in his real body. The thought of seeing him without being in the body of Nayeon seemed strangely terrifying.

A second knock finally made him open the door, but when he saw Hoseok standing there he grew disappointed.

"Can I help you?" He asked uninterestedly though he knew Yoongi had probably sent him.

"Well hello mystery man. Who are you today? Ahh! You're Soobin! Tell me, have you ever impersonated me?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Jin rolled his eyes, "I doubt you're here to ask me about my impersonations."

"You're right. Can I come in?" He asked directly as he did, taking a seat on the nearest chair. He crossed one leg over the other relaxing.

"You already did." Jin frowned.

"I am actually here on the king's orders. He had a request for you."

Hoseok handed him a rolled piece of paper. He carefully pulled the black ribbon that was tied around it keeping the message secure.

"Jin, remember that day I asked if you could make me a potion to make someone smell bad? I really need it before I eat my husband. I am assuming you will need time to make it since you don't get many requests like these. When you are finished, bring it to me personally. I am sure impersonating Nayeon will get you right in. By the way, make it as stinky as possible. That's an order."

He chuckled as he finished reading it. At times Yoongi could be so childish. Their friendship hadn't started out as a mature one either way. The reason they had met in the first place was because Yoongi wanted a potion to stop his almost dead father from dying.

"So? Where is it?" Hoseok asked. Although he hadn't read the message he knew Yoongi wanted a potion.

"I don't have it. What he's asking for needs some experimenting. I will take it to him once I am finished."

Hoseok got up from the chair, "Okay then. I hope it's quick. You know the king isn't a patient one. Bye." He said with a smirk.

Jin rolled his eyes yet again as Hoseok left. He walked over to the cracked mirror on the wall and stared at himself.

Slowly, he made himself transform into Hoseok. This was the definition of beauty at its finest. This was why Hoseok was so confident.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Jin sighed as he headed to open it up. He decided he'd mess with Hoseok and surprise him once he saw his impersonation.

"I told you I don't hav—"

He stopped himself from finishing his sentence when he saw that Hoseok was not the one behind the door. It was Namjoon.

Jim quickly looked away from his face before Namjoon got a glance. He suddenly got all nervous and jittery. In all reality he hadn't expected him to come.

Since he last spoke to Namjoon who asked where to find him, he'd been waiting for him. Hoping to see his face every time he opened the door.

Now that it was really him, he didn't know how to handle his emotions. It was embarrassing for a vampire to feel so intimidated by a human.

Namjoon stayed by the door observing the mysterious figure. It was a man for sure. His place was fairly small and located in the middle of nowhere. Inside there were plants, flowers and papers that were taped to the wall with weird words.

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