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Jin stared at the perfectly labeled potion in front of him. 'Drink me' it said. Since this potion was for Yoongi he liked to make jokes out of it.

He was still in his body debating whether he should turn into Nayeon or not. By now, the real her and Namjoon have already met and even had a date.

Turning into her meant he would see everything that happened that night and if he was honest he didn't want to.

But no one from the castle was gone therefore sneaking in to hand it to Yoongi was hard. The guards didn't let just anyone in. Aside from pretty women like Nayeon herself.

So, he finally got the courage to get up from his sitting position. He knew Yoongi would be mad; it had taken him this long to make the potion and to deliver it.

Being king and all meant he couldn't come pick it up himself. Neither send someone to pick up something so important to him. The potion was to stop him from metaphorically eating his husband. It was something crucial therefore it needed to be delivered by him personally.

Once he stood in front of the broken mirror he felt himself get nervous. The shapeshifting was quite simple. All he needed to do was think of the person he wanted to impersonate and slowly his body would take the form of that person.

Watching him turn into her was both pleasing and self destructive. Why couldn't he just be her? Why couldn't he just be beautiful? Wanted? Loved?

After the transformation was done the memories hit him like a ton of bricks. Although he didn't want to know what happened he would know either way. The memories were a bit hazy and all of them at the same time, but some of them stood out to him.

"You made this all by yourself?" Nayeon asked.

"Yes miss.  I am not a cook so don't get your hopes up." Namjoon said as he pulled the chair for her to sit.

Nayeon smiled, "It looks delicious."

"I hope it is. Be careful now, you don't want to stain your dress."

She laughed, "Ahh! Yeah! I don't know why I keep doing that. I'm typically not that messy."

"No worries. I am too."

She smiled, "So this is where you live?"

"Yes. It's not much. Quite small, but I am barely here. I spend my days working and when I'm not working I am with my cat."

Nayeon looked around the room, it was tiny, but very homey. Surrounded by indoor succulents and cat toys all over the floor.

"I think it's lovely. I spend my days working too. I am always out of town. Buying new materials and delivering important things. I am actually going to be out again."

"That's really nice. You get to explore."

"Of course. Oh! Is that a chocolate cake?"

Namjoon turned to look at it and then smiled a little sheepishly, "Yes miss. I thought we could have it after we finished eating. I didn't bake that so you are free to eat as much as you want."

"I would love that. Is that your favorite?"

"No, but it's yours."

Nayeon smiled as she picked up her utensils, "Yeah, I do like chocolate don't I?"

"Yes you do."

"Is there a special occasion? You don't just get cake out of nowhere."

"Oh, nothing special. It's uhh...my birthday. I thought it would be nice to celebrate with someone else besides my cat." He murmured as he ate.

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