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"Sir? Can you hear me?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin stared at the ceiling as he was fanned by Taehyung. It had been approximately two hours since his encounter with the king and his body was still in shock.

"Okay, I think you need to see our doctor." He said after a moment of silence.

"No! No doctors!" He shrieked, snapping back to reality. "Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice." He apologized suddenly remembering that this was a supernatural being he was talking to.

"Are you ready to talk then?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He knew he was speaking to the future king's husband, but babysitting was not his job.

That's what he'd been doing since Jimin got here. From fanning him to making sure he didn't pass out every three seconds.

Jimin timidly nodded, "Okay, but can we talk outside? I need fresh air. Please."

Taehyung sighed, "Sure. Let's go then." He murmured, grabbing a folder and heading out. Jimin followed behind although he struggled to keep up.

He thought he'd be closely monitored knowing that he was a stranger in the castle. Then again, Jimin could only do so much as a human so it made since that he wasn't extensively guarded.

They headed down the hall and before going out the door, Jimin caught one last glimpse of the family portrait in the middle of the living room hall.

"Is this better?" Taehyung asked as they walked out the door.

Jimin inhaled the fresh air and enjoyed the smell of the humid forest. The sun was up in the sky, bright and hot, piercing through his skin. The black clothing wasn't helping with the sun exposure.

"Much better." He responded though inside it was cooler.

"Now that you are aware that the king wishes to marry you, we must go over a few rules." Taehyung was walking as he was speaking.

Jimin felt his stomach turn upside down and the nausea flooded up his throat unable to contain it. Marry you. Taehyung turned around in time to witness him spitting up vomit on the nearby bush.

He quickly wiped his mouth and avoided eye contact, continuing the conversation like nothing had happened, "Yes, yes, of course."

Taehyung raised his eyebrow, "So are we going to pretend that didn't happen?" He was confused. "Maybe you do need a doctor." He added ready to go back inside.

"I throw up when I get nervous." He admitted turning a deep shade of red.

"Oh. Okay. Uhhh...let's have a seat here." Before you faint.

The medium sized garden table happened to be under a pine tree. It seemed old and was a bit moldy from underneath. There were plants growing on it and although the wood looked ancient, it was still in very good conditions.

Jimin sat on the chair because if he was honest he was a bit lightheaded. Luckily, underneath the giant tree it was much cooler. He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead and he had to remove his jacket to not have a heat stroke.

Taehyung seemed unbothered by the humid weather. He was also wearing a three piece suit like him and not a single drip of sweat. In fact, his face was not even red.

He carefully opened up the folder he had and slid the paper to Jimin. It was typed and based on what he scanned it seemed like it was some sort of contract.

"A contract to marry him?" He wondered.

"Somewhat. It's very simple and just looks complicated."

Jimin squinted his eyes trying to read the tiny letters on the page. If this contract was so simple, why was it so detailed?

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