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"Son, promise me one thing before I go."


"Promise me you will fall in love, that you will get married and that you will find happiness."

"I promise father."

Yoongi woke up in an instant. His eyes were wide and his chest was so heavy. That recurring nightmare he had every time he slept made him feel miserable. It was tiring to dream of the same thing over and over for one hundred and eighty five years.

He relived the moment he was forced to kill his father and then made that promise he still couldn't fulfill. It was something he subconsciously held on and it pushed him deeper into the dark sea of emotions.

He thought that maybe after marrying someone the nightmare would go away. Still, on his wedding night there it was again. A week later he tried eating with Jimin and spending more time with him.

Maybe his father wanted him to spend more time with his spouse and make it seem like a real marriage. Even then, after eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with him, the nightmare persisted. Something had to be done to stop it from tormenting him over and over.

He made his way to his opened balcony and rubbed his temples repeatedly. The sun was barely trying to come up. It took time for him to get his mind distracted from his dark thoughts.

The sweat dripped from his forehead like an opened faucet. His body was wet and sticky. Not even sleeping shirtless helped keep his body temperature cool.

He focused his eyes on the garden down below. Ever since Jungkook started taking care of it, it looked much better. Suddenly, his eyes focused on a figure underneath him.

It was Hoseok. As he looked at him longer his mind started playing his first memory of him as an immortal.


"Your majesty. You're finally awake." He said with a big smile.

Yoongi looked around the room and noticed that he was in his father's room. In his dead father's bed. He touched his own face and chest which were soaked with his sweat.

Although he was awake his body wasn't connected with his mind yet. Every time he looked everywhere it felt like his vision was blurry. Everything was perfect and he could see every detail of every object.

How was it possible to be able to see each individual eyelash on Hoseok's eyes? He could see through the huge pine trees hundreds of miles away.

"Why do I feel this way?" He asked, breathing heavily. His heart felt like it was racing but to a point that if he were still human he'd be dead of a heart attack.

"Am I—?"

"Yes your majesty. Your transformation is finished."

"How long did it take?"

"A few weeks."

"Weeks?" He questioned.

"Yes. You were gaining so much power that the transformation took longer than usual. You were in and out."

Yoongi's breathing hitched. The flashbacks of him screaming in excruciating pain hit him like a ton of bricks. The vertigo and anxiety all returned in a second.

Not only were his senses heightened but so were his emotions. Hoseok patted his shoulder, snapping him back to his now reality.

"Hey, it's over. Don't worry. It's all over. It will take some time to adjust to the sensitivity to it all. It will be okay."

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