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Jimin looked at the red mark that formed on the side of his neck. It was said that when an immortal claimed you, you'd develop a peculiar red mark where they bit you.

He'd never seen one in real life until he saw his own the following morning after the incident. Slowly and very gently, he ran his finger across his skin carefully on the bite mark that was now almost faded.

The mark didn't have a texture to it. In fact, if he couldn't see the red color he wouldn't even know it was there.

But it was and to that Jimin smiled gracefully. He knew his blood had an addicting taste to it because the immortals that had fed from him before always said so.

However, he didn't know it was this addicting to have the king himself claim him. It was fulfilling to know he was wanted even if it was for a meal. The still fresh memory came to mind as he kept tracing the mark while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Shit." Yoongi cursed as he pulled away from his neck.

Jimin's breath was unsteady and fast. He was already applying pressure to his neck to prevent any further bleeding. The bite mark wasn't big or anything but it was super painful.

The burning sensation was throbbing in his neck  making it hard to even breathe. Yoongi wiped his mouth as he paced back and forth.

To be honest, he looked like a maniac. Mad. His face was smeared with his blood and he had messed up his hair while running his fingers through it. Yet Jimin found him absolutely beautiful.

"I am sorry." He murmured while bowing.

Jimin's eyes widened in shock. The king was apologizing to him. Little him and that was astonishing.

He quickly got up from the bed, still pressing his left hand against the mark. "Your majesty! You have no reason to apologize. Please, don't—don't bow to me. I'm a nobody I—"

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"Your majesty, don't apologize. I allowed you to—"

"I told myself I wouldn't feed on you again and I did." He finally said, straightening himself up. His eyes were a dark red now that he had recently fed on him.

His face didn't look in pain anymore. He looked relaxed and so peaceful, and still his voice said otherwise.

"You can feed on me whenever you want. You can have my blood whenever. Just say so."

Yoongi cracked a smirk, "You don't want that Jimin. I know you think you do, but you don't want that."

"Why not?"

"Because at the end of the day you are human and I am a monster. Sometimes I don't know the power of my own strength."

That sentence still brought shivers down Jimin's spine. Although getting claimed had been a success the king hadn't touched him since that night.

It had been close to four weeks now and although they shared meals daily, there was very minimal talking. It was a simple boring routine with no feelings attached.

Jimin was disappointed in this because deep down he wished to know the king better. They've been married for over a month and he still didn't know a thing about him.

Then again, the king had made it pretty clear that he didn't want to get to know him on a personal level. A loud knock startled him. He quickly covered his neck with the collar of his shirt and rushed to open the door.

Jungkook was there with a big smile on his face. He had a small cupcake at hand and a medium size box that was neatly wrapped.

"Happy birthday!" He screamed.

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