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"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked surprised.

"Come on, that's all I get?" Jimin pouted.

"No, no, I am glad you're here but you're usually eating lunch with the king right about now."

Jimin kneeled on the ground next to Jungkook who was planting new plants. He had a green thumb because the garden looked absolutely beautiful.

"I have something to tell you." He grinned excitedly.

"Oh. What is it about?"

"Well you know, the thing we always talk about." He giggled, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It happened?" Jungkook asked in shock. They had always talked about sex especially Jimin. He was obsessed with experiencing that one day with an immortal.

"Yes! It was incredible! I have never felt so alive. Experiencing that with the king was mind blowing! I thought with Hoseok it was amazing, but with Yoongi it was—!"

"Hoseok? What? How did that happen when he hasn't even kissed you? He's doing it all backwards!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook felt his face turn red. Jimin was seriously confused at his question and that made him realize they were not talking about the same thing.

"Uhh...what are you talking about?"

Jimin smirked as he rolled up his sleeve. A white bandage was covering up the bite mark, but he slowly peeled a side of it to show his friend.

Jungkook's eyes widened in horror. He didn't know what was worse. His assumption or this. The bite mark was red and a little inflamed. It was on his forearm right above the mark Hoseok had left months prior.

"Wow. He fed on you." He said slightly disappointed. He knew the day would come because Jimin always got what he put his mind to. He just didn't know it would be this soon.

They had only been married a few weeks. At this rate, he'd be immortal at any time and would leave him behind. Jimin said he wouldn't, he wanted to believe it so why couldn't he stop feeling this way?

"Yes! I gave him a little taste. Next time he wants to feed on me I am going to make him claim me."

"Do you think he will?"

"Of course. They always come back for more."


"Don't worry, once I get my immortality I will get you yours too. I better run because I'm late and he's kind of a time freak." Jimin said, getting up and wiping his knees.

Jungkook nodded and forced a smile. His heart started rapidly beating inside his chest. The sudden anxious feeling grabbing a hold of him. The fear he felt was indescribable. It was consuming and debilitating. He was so afraid and he didn't even know why.

He got up and took a deep breath while removing his gardening gloves. The deep breaths seemed to calm him down a little.

As he was walking around trying to clear his mind, he spotted Vernon by the door. Without second thoughts he walked towards him unsure of what he would even say.


"Jungkook." He replied nonchalantly as always.

"You like me right?"

"Like is a strong word. I enjoy your blood, but other than that I don't really care for you."

Vernon had always been brutally honest with him which was one thing he appreciated. He continued to flip through the pages he was reading, completely ignoring Jungkook's presence.

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