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"Your majesty, I first need to apologize for my rude behavior. I shouldn't have—"

"This is not about that. Plus, you weren't rude. You were honest."

Jimin's face was as bright as a tomato. He was unable to maintain eye contact with Yoongi. Every time he tried, his knees felt weak to the point he'd fall.

So, he looked at everything but him. This could be bad considering lack of eye contact could be interpreted as disrespect. Jimin wasn't trying to be disrespectful, he was simply too intimidated to look him eye to eye.

"I'm so so—"

"Enough. I said I was not here to talk about that."

Jimin nodded as he looked down at his shoes. He counted the titles hoping that his racing heartbeat would slow down. He knew Yoongi could hear it. Everyone around could.

His plan was to make Yoongi head over heels for him to the point he would want to turn him immortal. At this rate, he was going to die as a human or some sickness.


"Yes, your majesty?" He quietly replied.

"Look me in the eye Jimin. That's an order."

Jimin's breathing hitched as he slowly leveled his eyes. Once he did, he saw Yoongi still relaxed, leaning back on his chair. Although something about his face told that he was in some sort of pain.

Seconds into this, Jimin felt a warm gush pouring down his nostrils. He quickly gripped his nose and looked up. He didn't even feel Yoongi when he approached him.

After he realized, he flinched as the king slowly grabbed his head and tilted it forward. His hands were cold, but not an unnatural cold.

Up close, he smelled very good. Expensive. His suit was so silky and had small black jewels around the edges.

"You stop a nosebleed by pinching the soft part of your nose and lean forward."

Jimin did as he was told though it was hard to concentrate. Throughout the years, he had suffered from many nosebleeds. Since he didn't go to the doctor often or had parental figures he stopped them as best as he could.

"I am so sorry." He whispered horrified.

"It's okay. But do tell me, do you bleed often?" His voice had gotten quieter. He had leaned towards him closer making Jimin squirmy.

"Yes. It happens when I'm nervous."

"Do I make you nervous?"

Jimin's breath hitched, "Ye—yes your majesty."

Although he was not looking at him, Jimin could tell that Yoongi was smiling. He could feel it. Just when he thought his face couldn't get any closer, it did.

Yoongi's breath was hitting the side of his neck making him get goosebumps everywhere. "Look me in the eyes Jimin." He commanded.

The deepness in his voice made Jimin feel some type of way. Slowly, he looked up and met eyes with his. They seemed to be an even brighter red this close.

His smile was still painted on his face. Though they were the same height Jimin swore it seemed like Yoongi was at least eight feet tall. His presence was so captivating.

How was he the same person he met the other day?

Yoongi took out his handkerchief and handed it to Jimin who gracefully took it. It was silky smooth like his suit and as soon as he pressed it against his nose the familiar homey smell hit him.

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