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Jimin took a deep breath as he tapped his fingers on the counter. Every time he heard a noise he panicked and straightened up thinking it was the king.

It was past midnight and Yoongi was still not in the room. Over the last few nights, he hadn't even shown up to sleep.

Or maybe he did but by that time Jimin was already dozing off. Although he had trouble falling asleep he was only human so staying awake was not something he could do.

When he got up from the bed he went to sit down on the chair. The table was clean like usual and the flowers in the middle were dead now. He traced the dead flower with his fingers as it slowly came apart in his fingertips. This was how he was compared to Yoongi. A simple dead flower ready to disintegrate.

Once he felt this cold shiver, he stopped messing with it. His skin felt like it was crawling and the shivering sensation did not disappear.

Then out of nowhere his nose started bleeding. Annoyedly, he got up from the chair and rushed to the bathroom as the blood gushed down his nose.

Two minutes later, he stabilized his bleeding. It wasn't a lot compared to past times but it was still really annoying.

A loud gasp escaped his lips when he stepped out of the bathroom. Yoongi was in the room now and he looked up to see him. He accidentally dropped the tissue he was holding on the floor.


"Your majesty." Jimin greeting with a bow.

"There's no need for that."

"But you're my king."

"And your husband."

Jimin's face got red, "Still, I should show you respect." He mumbled picking up the tissue from the floor.

"I suppose. Why aren't you in bed?"

"I got a nosebleed." He pointed out.

Yoongi stared at the drops of blood on the table and then slowly looked at him. "Yes. I can smell it." He whispered.

Jimin timidly sat on the bed as Yoongi started unbuttoning his shirt. He opened his mouth wanting to tell him something, but couldn't find the courage.

When Yoongi came around his mind went blank. His heart leaped stupidly against his chest and he got all jittery like the hormonal teenager he was.

Being eighteen and married was not how he had pictured his life. In fact, he hadn't even planned to get married at all and now he was. Technically it wasn't the typical relationship because Yoongi barely spoke to him, but just knowing they were bound to stay together forever was a little petrifying.

Once he was old enough to leave the orphanage with Jungkook, he spent a lot of time focusing on surviving. He had a few crushes and had a few boyfriends that didn't last.

So kissing, hugging and being in love was not something he was used to. He wasn't even sure if he'd ever get to do that.

Though this marriage was strictly out of benefit, he wouldn't ever be allowed to leave Yoongi. Even if he fell in love with another person he had to stay no matter what.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked, looking at him.


"You sound like you want to say something. I hear it, but you can't start."

Jimin sighed quietly, hoping that he wouldn't get on his nerves too quickly. Yoongi walked to the glass door and opened it up.

The semi warm air entered the room. Yoongi was now standing outside on the balcony staring into the darkness.

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