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"Jimin, you're still awake?" Yoongi asked as he walked in the room.

"Yes. I couldn't really sleep." He responded excitedly. He rushed towards Yoongi's direction and pecked him in the lips.

He immediately blushed at his own action. It still felt surreal to hold and kiss Yoongi. It felt like a dream that he didn't ever want to wake up from.

"Why's that?" He wondered through a smile. Jimin wasn't the only one that felt weird about this relationship, however Yoongi allowed himself to feel everything.

"I don't know. I'm excited. You're my boyfriend now, right?"

"Yes. Of course."

Jimin grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling along. He opened the glass door and took a seat on one of the chairs. He motioned Yoongi to do the same.

It was cold and snowy like usual. However, something about the big new moon made it all so comforting. Jimin kept looking up until Yoongi spoke up again.



"Why did you ask Vernon to show you your previous life?"

Jimin stopped smiling and turned towards Yoongi. He nearly choked on his saliva but quickly cleared his throat trying to play it off like nothing.

"Me? What? I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really now?"

"Yeah. I don't know...I don't know what you mean." He murmured embarrassed. It was useless to lie to someone who could easily know the truth.

"Did you forget that I can see what you've done by touching you?"

Jimin's blush deepened. "You said you wouldn't use your power on me anymore. Did you forget that?"

Yoongi was now the one that was embarrassed. He had told Jimin that but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to know what had happened while he was gone. He wanted to know why he had been acting so strange.

Truth was, he had also been curious to see the I interaction with Hoseok. A part of him feared that there was still some connection between the two. It was stupid jealousy.

"I know I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for that, but I needed to know what was wrong. You were acting so strange. I feared that you were sick."

Jimin looked ahead at the darkness in front of them. He had been so cold but speaking up about this flustered him in so many ways that it had warmed his body up.

He understood what Yoongi meant. He also couldn't help himself and ask Vernon about his past. Curiosity was a deadly thing.

"Did Vernon get in trouble? I made him do it. He didn't want to show me. I insisted on it and it was my fault."

"No. He didn't get in trouble. I might've scolded him, but I saw everything that happened. How he refused and yet you insisted."

"Why didn't you want him to show me? He told me you instructed him specifically to not do it. Why is that?"

"Because I didn't want you to be like this."

Jimin finally turned towards him. Yoongi had an unreadable expression on his face. If he didn't know him any better he'd say he was mad, but he wasn't. He was scared.

"I'm fine." Jimin lied through his teeth. His tone of voice said it all. He was everything, but fine. Yoongi reached over to touch his cheek. He brushed his cold finger over his darkened under eye circles.

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