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"He asked me to sleep with him?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah. It was bizarre for him to even ask that. He didn't even kiss me in our ceremony, but now he wants us to sleep in the same room. I don't know. I think he has it all backwards." Jimin said as he touched the pretty rose in front of him.

Jungkook set his gardening tools down and looked at his friend concerned. "Why would he want that?"

Jimin shrugged as Jungkook sighed. He didn't expect his friend to have the answer to that question although it seemed pretty obvious.

"That was a dumb question." He finally said as he clipped away the dead leaves.

"I wonder the same thing." Jimin said.

"So? Are you going to do it?"

"Do I have a choice?" Jimin asked.

Deep down, Jungkook knew he didn't, but Yoongi had made it pretty clear that Jimin was free to decide what he wanted. If that was the case he couldn't force him to do it.

"The king gave you a choice. He said you could decide. So, just say you do not feel comfortable with that."

Jimin remained quiet watching his friend turn the once ugly rose to a beautiful one. Jungkook was a master at everything he put his mind to. He could learn a new ability without struggling. He was simply naturally talented at everything.

Jungkook looked at him after Jimin didn't say a word, "You want to do it." He stated. It was meant to be a question but it hadn't come out as one.

Jimin couldn't help but mischievously smile, "What can I say? I like the thrill."

Before Jungkook could scold him or warn him of the insanity that he was about to commit, Vernon interrupted their conversation.

"The king is ready for his meal."

"Very well. I will talk to you later, Jungkook."

Jungkook nodded and waved a little nervously. Something didn't feel right. Nothing about this felt right.

About an hour later, he was done with the plants and flowers. He made his way inside the castle to the cool air. He went to the room that was assigned for haircuts.

Up until now he still hadn't had to cut anyones hair. He didn't mind it since he was mainly occupied with taking care of the garden.

He opened his drawer to pull out some scissors. His hair was still short, but he was a perfectionist. Something about having long hair didn't sit right with him. Maybe it was because growing up in the orphanage they were taught to always have their hair a certain length.

They'd get haircuts biweekly if not weekly. Jimin had never been a fan of maintaining his hair the perfect length, but that was because Jimin wasn't like him.

Jimin was simply different. He was special. Always had been and always would be.

The small hairs fell on his nose and cheeks tickling him. As he wiped them and reopened his eyes Taehyung was standing by the door.

Although he had never tried to be threatening, Jungkook got pretty defensive when it came to immortals. So he instantly went into panic mode.

"Can I help you?"

"Uhh. Hi. You're supposed to cut hair?"

Jungkook nodded, this man being powerful and all was very timid and had poor social skills. "Yes. Do you...do you want one?" He asked because it was the right thing to do. The reason he agreed to live here was because he could do something and not feel as a burden.

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