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Namjoon knocked on the door timidly. Quiet enough that a human could miss it, but when the woman opened the door he knew it had been loud enough for immortals to hear.

Once he landed eyes on the woman, he knew that the rumors were true. The potion maker was a shapeshifter and no one knew his true form.

The woman's eyes widened a bit and they immediately tensed up. "Can I help you?" They asked both nervous and surprised.

Namjoon wondered why they were so nervous to see him, but he decided to speak up either way. He'd made it this far.

"I'm here for a potion."

The woman was hesitant, but they let him through. Namjoon thought if he'd seen this woman before and he didn't think so. He wondered if the potion maker just picked random people to impersonate.

When he walked in he noticed that the potion maker had been eating. They quickly picked up their disposable plate and threw it in the trash even though it was semi full.

"What—what potion do you want?" They asked. Their tone of voice has suddenly changed. They looked annoyed and almost angry.

Namjoon was suddenly starting to regret coming here in the first place. He didn't know if he'd done something to upset them. Maybe it was the wrong time.

"I-I'm sorry. If this is a bad time then I can come back later."

"Wait—" they said. They closed the door behind and offered a seat on the chair. Namjoon did sit down and waited for them to also sit.

"So the people didn't lie about you." Namjoon started.

"Lie about what?" They asked looking up.

"Your form. I assumed that last time I met you you were in your original form, but I bumped into the white haired man later on that week. Turns out he'd never seen me before."

The potion maker laughed, covering their mouth, "You met Hoseok? I bet that was interesting."

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah. It was." Something about talking to this mystery person felt comforting. It was in a way he could not explain.

"So why do you do it?" He asked randomly.

The woman stopped laughing, "Do what?"

"Why do you present yourself in other forms? Why aren't you yourself? If you don't mind me asking."

"I do mind. That's a bit of a personal question for a stranger. Don't you think so?"

"Right. That is true. I apologize." He said with a slight bow. "But we could change that,  you know? Being strangers." He added a little hopeful.

"Change that?"

"Yes, we don't have to be strangers. We could be friends."

"No. We can't be friends."

"Why can't we?"

They sighed slightly agitated, "There's no way we could ever be friends. How can you be friends with someone you've never even met before?"

"Friendship has to start somewhere."

"Forget it. What potion do you need?" They asked getting up from the chair and walk over to the large potion cabinet.

Namjoon stood up from the chair ready to apologize for his intrusiveness. It was true, he did want to become friends with the potion maker.

A part of him didn't know if it was because he wanted a potion so bad that befriending the maker would make it easier. Or if he simply wanted a friend besides Nayeon. Somehow this vampire made him comfortable even if their identity was a mystery.

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