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"I don't know if I'll need all of this." Jungkook said as he looked at the stacks of clothes on the bed.

Taehyung shrugged, "I think the more clothes the better. That's the less you'll have to worry about running out."

"But if I'm traveling a lot then there's no point in taking everything."

"That is true." 

Jungkook started putting his clothes in the briefcase. He didn't know when he'd be leaving, but he knew it'd be soon. He was comfortable enough to spread his wings knowing that Jimin was happy.

That's why before he had never even thought of the possibility of leaving him. It was very obvious that Jimin was irrevocably in love with Yoongi and his affection was returned.

Now it was his turn to find his own happiness. Though it would be hard to be without Jimin, he knew this was necessary for him.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung wondered as he helped him stack up clothes.

"I don't know yet. I want to travel everywhere though. Explore every inch of this earth. I don't want to stick to one place. I want to see it all. Know it all."

Taehyung smiled as he heard Jungkook talk about it. The way his eyes lit up and his smile got bright. It was truly a beautiful sight.

"What about you?"

"What?" Taehyung asked, confused.

"Where do you want to go?"

He thought about it for a while. Jungkook looked at him as he was deep into his thoughts.  His carelessly tied hair and unassuming attire. Taehyung looked like a normal being.

The only thing that gave away that he wasn't mortal was the fact that his features were too beautiful to be human.

They were impeccable.

"I've never had the desire to go elsewhere. My life is here with the kingdom."

"Really? Is this everything you've ever done?"

Taehyung nodded, "I was turned when I was nineteen, by an immortal who claimed to love me. We spent a few years together, but eventually the immortal made up their mind that I wasn't good enough to be with for an eternity. I wanted to stay human, you know?"

"I liked my human life, but meeting the immortal changed that for me. I couldn't bear to think of a life without them. So I gave them my life and all my dreams. With that I lost the color in my life and now everything I see if black and white. I've gotten used to it though. Shortly after being abandoned, I was recruited by the king, Yoongi's father. I've worked for the kingdom since then. I don't know what I'd do if I weren't here."

Jungkook pressed his lips in a line. He suddenly pitted Taehyung. Now he understood why he was so pushy about the immortal subject. He didn't want him to make the same mistake he had.

Out of instinct, he stepped closer towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder. Taehyung had grown into him. He had become his friend and though Jungkook was scared shitless of immortal beings he wasn't scared of Taehyung at all.

Taehyung was kind, he was sweet, and Jungkook would trust him even if he was bleeding to death.

"I'm really sorry about that. I have personally never experienced heartbreak, but it sounds like you were hurting and you were all by yourself."

"It's okay. It's a wound that's healed now. I'm actually pretty glad that I started working for the kingdom. I feel useful and needed. My family died of old age so I was left behind by myself. The kingdom is my family now."

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