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Jungkook was digging in the drawer looking for a pair of scissors. A castle this big with over forty rooms you'd think they'd have a pair.

"Jungkook."  Vernon said.

He quickly turned around startled. "Oh. Uhh...hi Vernon." He tried to sound as friendly as he could, but he was scared.

"I can help you look for whatever it is you're looking for."

"Ummm...no it's fine really. I, uh, better get going. I have some stuff to do."

Vernon blocked the entrance from the door. Jungkook started getting even more nervous. Any interaction with an immortal made him scared. Especially with  Vernon noting their history.

After Taehyung told him that Vernon lost his empathy it made him twenty times as creeped out with him as before.

If he wasn't empathic, that simply meant he didn't give a fuck. What kept him a little calm was the fact that he was Jimin's friend and Jimin was married to the king. Therefore he was sort of protected. He at least told himself that not to go into complete panic mode.

"Looking for these?" He grinned holding a pair of scissors.

Jungkook gulped, "Yes."

Vernon handed them to him. Jungkook took them with a shaky hand. The immortal quickly noticed his trembling and fast heartbeat.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. I've told you I don't want Taehyung as my enemy."

"Why're you so afraid of him? Is your ability truly that worthless compared to him?" He asked. In reality, he didn't know how he had the courage to ask that out loud. But he truly was just curious.

Vernon chuckled, "I suppose yes. I have the ability to see everyone's past and future life."

"How so?"

"Do you know of the multiverse?"


"Our universe is part of hundreds of billions of galaxies and it is not the only one. There's so many out there you have no idea."

Jungkook suddenly felt mocked, why was he teaching him about science? And what did this have to do with his ability?

"I don't follow, what does this have to do with you seeing everyone's past and future life? Isn't that valuable?"

"Ehh. In a sense. Did I forget to mention that I can only see your love life? It's pretty worthless once I say it that way. Basically, I can see all of your soulmates from all of your past lives. Want to know something funny? For you, it's always one person. That happens to be Taehyung. He's always there, like a friend, a lover , sometimes even an enemy but mainly as your lover."

Jungkook's face turned a bright pink. Vernon could be just lying about it all, but what would be the point in that? Why would he say that? Could he just be playing with him?

"It gets better. I can actually show you. Do you want me to?" He asked, stretching out his hand.

Jungkook's body went into flight or fight mode and he dropped the scissors on the floor running out of the kitchen.

He ran as fast as he could trying to process what Vernon had just told him. If that was true, that meant that Taehyung was his soulmate in this lifetime too. That idea didn't make any sense. Or did it?

He kept running until he made it to his room. He quickly locked the door and attempted to stabilize his breathing.

All he wanted was a  fucking pair of scissors to cut a perfect bow for Jimin's present. Instead he was now stuck on that irrational idea of Taehyung being his soulmate.

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