41- Sick.

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    "Ouch" Felix cried in pain after he accidentally bit his nail too hard.

He was lying down on his bed, an iced americano in his right hand while he nervously picked on his left one. He got back to his room at exactly five in the morning and no matter how hard he tried to fall asleep he couldn't stop his mind from overthinking so he gave up and went out to get a coffee and now he's back in his bed wondering what he can do in a hospital while everyone else is asleep. 

He groaned and grabbed his phone, unlocked it and looked at the screen where he had Sunwoo's Instagram page opened on. He was going through his pictures for the past hour, the pictures of the actual sunwoo before he died...before changbin killed him.

Even though Felix had nothing to do with it, he couldn't help but feel guilty and bad for the guy. He was still young and he had his life taken away from him for someone else. How is that fair? He did feel bad for Hyunjin and his brother too but Hyunjin's brother already had his chance in life and it was taken away from him but that doesn't give him the right to take someone else's life.

He stared at the picture of Sunwoo, Seungmin, Jacob and Jeongin all together. They were at Jeongins birthday party and they all looked happy. Should I tell seungmin about what exactly happened to sunwoo? Isn't he already hurt enough? Would the others ever understand what happened to their friend?

"Earth to Felix!"  Seungmin yelled waving his hand in front of Felix's face.

"Oh you're here already," Felix sat up and turned his phone off, and smiled at his friend who was now on his side. He completely forgot that seungmin was going to drop by before going to class so he was kind of glad that he didn't fall asleep.

"I got you Doritos, heard you were craving them," Seungmin said and handed the Doritos pack to Felix who took it and placed it on his nightstand making seungmin furrow his eyebrows because of his friend's odd reaction to receiving his favorite snack "Is there something wrong?"

"Hum kind of," Felix murmured while looking down at his lap still debating whether he should tell his friend or not " But before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't do anything stupid"

"You're scaring me Felix," Seungmin said making Felix look up at him with a pleading look " Okay I promise "

"So last night I somehow ended up in hell, don't ask me how because I don't even know what happened but that's not important! Anyways, I met with this demon Changbin introduced me to when he took me to hell and I asked him a few things and I somehow found out about what exactly happened to sunwoo" Felix began carefully, glaring at seungmin and gesturing wildly with his hands.

"What? What happened to him? Can we get him back? He's just possessed isn't he?"Seungmin blurted in a trembling voice as he approached Felix.

"He's dead seungmin." Felix whispered and watched as Seungmin's body hardened "San told me that Hyunjin's brother named Hyunho had to possess someone's body so changbin helped him and they killed Sunwoo so he could take over his body and live as a human"

"No fucking way," Seungmin growled making Felix stiffen "I'm going to kill that asshole! First, he killed my dad and he also killed my best friend?"

"Wait what! Who killed your dad?" Felix asked loudly as he jumped out of his bed "What are you saying Seungmin?"

" Thay day at school, sunw- I mean Hyunho admitted to killing my dad," Seungmin said bitterly through gritted teeth "We need to find him, I'll kill him with my own hands"

"It's much bigger than that seungmin " Felix sighed and ran his hand through his hair pushing it back  "Everyone is involved not only Hyunho, Changbin was the one who killed sunwoo and he did it for Hyunjin"

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