10- Grave.

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" There's many ways of making a deal but I like this one the most" Changbin said as he grabbed felix's waist pulling him closer and smashed their lips together making felix jump in surprise.

Felix just closed his eyes and waited for changbin to pull away from him, He almost moaned both in pleasure and pain when he felt changbin bite his buttom lip before pulling away.

"Done!" He heard changbin's voice, he opened his eyes and was about to yell at him but he found himself back in his room.

"W-what?" Felix asked and looked around him for changbin but he wasn't there "D-did a demon just take my first kiss?"

Felix touched his lips then started screaming as he run in circles in his room.

"No!" He cried and threw himself in his bed and screamed again but in his pillow this time "A demon! A fucking demon just kissed me! I'm cursed for life!"

After finishing his mental breakdown felix grabbed his laptop and decided to do something that he knows he will regret later but that didn't stop him from doing it.

"Wait he said he would kill my family if I tell anyone" Felix told himself then shrugged "I won't let him now, I'm very good at this"

"Tada!" Felix spoke again as he opened incognito mode "Now it's impossible for him to know!"

YeeFreakingHaw has posted:

Hey again random people! I'm back and I have an update. So remember when I said there's a ghost in my house? WELL GUESS WHAT? he's not a ghost HES A DEMON!!! I don't even know what's the difference between them but he's so creepy he can turn into a tall black shadow, he can teleport, put people to sleep, mute you and talk in your place and even his yellow eyes can turn into flames!! And he forced me to make a deal with him he said if I get my family to leave the house he will leave us alone BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CONVINCE THEM??? THEY ALREADY THINK IM GOING CRAZY!!


JohnJunglebook has replied:


WhenYourVoiceDoesntMatchUrFace has replied:

Dude are you saying you have a demon in your house and you're still alive? be thankful you got a nice demon sjjsajks

NotJacksonWang has replied

Black shadow with yellow eyes? sounds hot👀👀

MinInTheBuilding has replied:

Are you sure he has yellow eyes?

YeeFreakingHaw has replied:

@MinInTheBuilding Yeah I'm sure!!

MinInTheBuilding has replied:

@YeeFreakingHaw That's not just a demon...That's azazel.

YeeFreakingHaw has replied:

@MinInTheBuilding What in the freak is that?

MinInTheBuilding has replied:

I can't explain it on text, Can you call me? I'll explain everything I know.

Felix looked behind him in case changbin was there before calling whoever this person is, hoping he would really be helpful.

"Hey?" Felix said awkwardly waiting for the person to say something.

"Hey, your voice sounds familiar! Do I know you?" The guy asked.

"I don't know who you are so how would I know whether you know me or not?" Felix said "I Don't have much time he might come and if he finds out I told anyone about this he might kill my whole family!"

"Okay okay calm down!" The guy said and took a deep breath before starting again "I'm still learning about these things but hear me out, I'm not sure whether the guy you're seeing is azazel or not but the only demon with yellow eyes is azazel the rest of the demons have red or black eyes"

"And who's this azazel and why is he the only one with yellow eyes?" Felix asked

"Azazel is the prince of hell, he serves lucifer and he's stronger than all other demons, immune to almost all demonic weaknesses which makes impossible to kill, that's all I know about him. I'm sure there's a good reason on why he's staying at your house cause why would the Prince of hell be wandering around in someone else's house"

"So you're saying that lucifer is real and that azazel who's a very strong demon is the one who I've been seeing?" Felix asked.

"Yeah?" The guy said and felix bursted into laughter.

"You want me to believe this bullshit? Lucifer? prince of hell?" Felix said still laughing making the guy sight.

"Look believe it or not it's your problem, I'm telling you what I've learnt. Just leave the house whether it's azazel or a normal demon both of them are dangerous" The guy said before hanging up.

Felix looked at his laptop's screen as he stopped laughing and remembered what changbin said a while ago.

"You have too much power on the prince of fucking hell" The words played on his head making his heart race.

"Crap" Felix said and he tried to call the guy again but he didn't respond, he was about to try it again when he felt someone behind him. Felix slowly turned around and found changbin back in his normal form looking at his laptop.

"What is this evil creature?" Changbin tilted his head as he eyed the laptop.

"Evil creature? are you talking about yourself?" Felix asked trying to hide his fear but his eyes widened when he remembered that changbin could read thoughts.

Uh changbin can you hear my thought right now? If you do you ugly ass hell wait you're from hell that explains why youre so ugly, felix thought and closed his eyes waiting for the demon to hit him or choke him like he always did.

Felix opened his eyes and saw changbin looking at him no expressions showing on his face.

Okay thank god, he didnt hear my thoughts, Felix sighed internally.

"Did you talk to your parents?" Changbin asked crossing his arms, that's when felix noticed that for the first time he wasn't wearing that weird black long leather jacket of his and was wearing a black shirt that shows his arm muscles instead.

do demons work out? Felix laughed at his own thoughts.

"You're really going insane, sad I can't feed on you" Changbin shook his head as he walked to the bed and sat down "You don't have much time, If you don't leave this house by next week I will have to kill your family and take you with me to hell"

"What? You expect me to fucking convince them to move in a week?" Felix shouted as he stood up from his desk chair and stood in front of the demon "And why cant YOU leave? this is our house!"

"This is MY house, before it became yours " Changbin growled as he stood up and grabbed Felix's shoulders tightly teleporting both of them to the basement " This is where I became what I am right now, this is where I got killed and burried so don't you fucking dare tell me to leave my grave ever again"


I want to finish this mess of a book before I go back to school but it's hard man, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore-

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