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Felix's eyes shot open and he quickly scrambled into a sitting position without even realizing

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Felix's eyes shot open and he quickly scrambled into a sitting position without even realizing. Everything was blurry at first, he couldn't see or hear anything other than his pounding heart and heavy breathing. What's going on, He thought as he sat on his bed for a few more seconds until he felt himself calming and his eyes finally adjusted to the lightning and he frowned when he realized that he wasn't even in his room or bed, he's in a hospital room instead.

"You're awake!" Seungmin's voice came out of nowhere making him jump in his place and let out a startled scream.

"Holy shit seungmin!" Felix tried to yell at his friend but his voice was so hoarse it came out as a whisper and that made him even more confused as he looked up at seungmin who was now running  towards him "Heyy before you jump on me can you tell me what the hell happened?"

"I was just going to give a hug but you don't deserve it," Seungmin pouted and shook his head in disappointment. He walked towards the chair that was next to the bed and sat down comfortably before he took a deep breath and turned his attention back to Felix, a serious expression taking over his face as he muttered  "You've been in coma for almost two months"

"W-what?" Felix whispered in confusion and started looking around him in panic. The plain room, the ugly hospital clothes, the IV and monitors by his side, It all made sense now and it made his face pale from the shock "I-I've been in c-coma for months?"

"No, I was lying," Seungmin shrugged and bursted into laughter when felix stopped looking around him frantically to glare at him "You've just been asleep for two days, doctor said it was because of stress and lack of sleep which your parents have confirmed"

"You fucking bitch," Felix groaned and grabbed the first thing that his hand has caught and tried to throw it at seungmin but it was a tissue box and it fell by his bed's side before it could even reach him.

"Wow nice aim," Seungmin snorted as he gave Felix a thumbs up making him even more annoyed.

"I'm serious seungmin what happened?" Felix sighed and leaned back against the bed's frame "What I had in school wasn't because of stress or lack of sleep!My whole body was burning with pain and I'm sure as hell stress doesn't do that!"

"I don't know! I'm just telling you what the doctor has said!" Seungmin rolled his eyes and stood up to close the room's door and then walked back to his chair "Do you think Azazel did that?"

Felix bit his lips as he thought about it. He knew very well that whatever he had wasn't normal, he was perfectly healthy and no matter how anxious and stressful he would get it could never lead him to having a seizure like that. Is he trying to kill me now? What happened to the deal we made?  He thought and groaned in confusion. 

"I don't know, I never had a seizure or felt such pain until he took me to hell with him," Felix explained to seungmin and his eyes widened when he finally noticed the bruise in his friend's face and remembered what happened before he blacked out "wait what happened to sunwoo? Is he also a demon? "

Highway To Hell // ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now