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"Felix!" Felix heard his brother call from the other room snapping him back to reality and his eyes widened when he realized what he's doing, he immediately put his hands against changbin's chest to push him away but the demon didn't move an inch.

"Only one day left" Changbin grinned against felix's lips before vanishing, leaving him alone.

"W-why did I do that?" Felix asked no else but himself as he started to panic "Oh my god he has a boyfriend, who's a demon too! Oh my god I'm so fucking dead!"

"Felix what are you doing!" Minho said as he stood in front of his room's door watching his brother who was running in circles and pulling on his hair looking like a mad man "Felix are you okay?"

"Oh y-yeah I'm coming!"

Felix spent the rest of the night staring at his ceiling, he tried to get back to sleep but he couldn't stop thinking about what happened and minho who was snoring from the other side of the bed made it even harder. He groaned as he sat up and decided to get ready for school and leave early since he didn't  want to get another lecture from his parents about how he should work harder and stop being lazy.

I've been trying to save your lives not being lazy felix thought and shook his head, They won't understand.

"Minho I'm going to school" He said to his brother who took over his bed.

"Hmmm bye" Minho muttered against the pillow.

"So what did Mr.Kim do?" Seungmin asked as he sat down next to felix and jeongin.

"He just told my parents about how careless I am" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Well yeah maybe you should start working, we already have a new project to make" Jeongin said.

"Ugh I hate this" Felix groaned.

"Its a group project, we can do it together" Seungmin suggested.

"Oh really? I'm in!" Felix shouted.

"Me too!" Jeongin added.

"Felix give me your account I will add you to our group chat" Seungmin said.

" It's YeeFreakingHaw" Felix said as he turned his phone on to accept seungmin's friend request but stopped once he realized that he gave out his second account which he used for his stupid posts and not his main account.

Oh shit, he thought as he slowly looked up from his phone and found seungmin looking at him, his eyes wide open. Felix frowned and looked down at his phone again and his jaw dropped when he saw seungmin's username.

It was him all along! Oh my god he knows! he's the one who told me about azazel! felix screamed internally.

"It's really you" Seumgmin whispered.

"I-I don't know w-what you're t-talking about" Felix said as he leaned back against his chair trying to get as far away from seumgmin as possible.

"Felix why didn't you tell us!"

"Tell what?" Jeongin asked confused as he looked between his two friends.

"He-" Seungmin started but jacob who came running to their table cut him off.

"Hey guys I just remembered something!" Jacob shouted.

"What?" Seungmin asked still eyeing felix who was suddenly interested in whatever jacob is saying.

"Remember when sunwoo said his brother did his essay?"

"Yeah?" All three boys said.

"He doesn't have a brother! He's an only child!"

"Oh yeah you're right! How did I forget about that" Jeongin said then shook his head "I sometimes think that he didn't recover yet."

"Didn't recover?" Felix asked.

"Well...sunwoo got into a car accident three years ago" Jacob said "He spent 3 months in coma and when he woke up he lost all of his memory"

"Not just his memory" Jeongin sighed "It's like he's a complete different person."

"How?" Felix asked.

"We were all close friends before the accident, sunwoo was such a fun and nice person but after the accident he became such an asshole" Seungmin said "He pushed us all away saying that he doesn't need us anymore"

"He chose the jocks over us and called us nerds when he was the top student of the school!"

"Sunwoo was a top student?" Felix gasped.

"Yeah but after the accident he dropped so much, he doesn't even care anymore"

"Wow but wait didnt you say he pushed you away? Then why is he hanging out with us lately?"

"I think he regrets pushing us away" Seungmin shrugged.

"No, I think he has a crush on jacob" Jeongin said making all three of them look at him "What? Don't y'all notice the way he looks at jacob and how he's always sticking to him?"

"You're kind of right" Seungmin nodded as he thought about it.

"What? No way!" Jacob laughed awkwardly.

"It's so obvious he has a crush on you!"

"Who has a crush on you?" Sunwoo asked from behind them making the four boys turn around.

"Felix does!" Jacob said panicking.

"W-what?" Felix asked as he looked up at sunwoo who was giving him a death stare and looked ready to jump on him.

Oh shit...one more person in the line, Felix laughed at his own thoughts then looked back up at sunwoo again to find him still glaring at him.



Squirrel boy

and now sunwoo?

Anyone else wants to join?


I literally wrote this in the middle of a concert so yeah...it's trash and boring


Q: How do you think seungmin knows about azazel? 🤔

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