25- Voices.

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So before we start with the chapter I want to say that my sis CHANISLIFE24 , the one who helped me so much with this mess of a story and wrote the smut parts is writing a Minchan ff, and the plot is freaking cool so please check it out! ( LIKE CHAN IS A FREAKING DJ-)


"WHAT did you do with it?"

"Why don't you ask Minho" he said with a smirk.

Different perspectives on love intersect and fight to assert their feelings.

Minho loves with the heart, with gestures and words
Everytime I see you,I die a little more

Chan loves differently
I can lie to you and tell you I cant get you out of my head,but Im loving watching you think your controlling me instead

What love will prevail?


     Looking around him, jisung let out a shaky breath as he started running again, he had no clue where he was or what was happening but he didn't have time to think so he just ran further into the dark forest hoping he will somehow find his way out.

"You can't get away jisung" The voices that he was trying to get away from said making him shiver, he could feel his heart slamming against his chest even harder than before, lungs crunching and burning but he didn't stop and kept running almost blindly into the deep black forest instead.

"Jisung you should stop" The voices added but jisung shook his head as tears started filling his eyes and tried his best not to listen to them.

"Leave me alone!" He screamed, his feet aching from running for too long and the tears that filled his eyes made his vision blurry making it even harder for him to see through the dark forest "Please leave me alone"

"You just have to answer us" 

"I don't know anything!" He screamed again and stopped running, his feets were giving up on him and he knew he couldn't run anymore so he just stood in the middle of no where and started looking around him, searching for the owners of the voices that have been following him "I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! Just leave me alone!"

"You do know jisung" The voices said as they got closer to where he was standing making him shake even more.

Just tell them, a voice said in his head.

"No!" Jisung cried as he fell on his knees, hitting the hard wet ground "I d-don't know"

"Tell us jisung" The voices added ignoring what he just said "Is it true?" 

Jisung didn't answer, he just closed his eyes as he tried to think of anything but the voices that surrounded him.

"Tell us" The voices said again but this time it felt as if they were right next to jisung's ear making him jump and fall to the side and start looking around him expecting to see them but there was no one.

"Tell us!" He heard again from behind and he quickly turned around again and as expected there was no one.

"Please stop!" He managed to say hoping the voices would stop messing up with him but they got even louder instead making him cover his ears as more tears fell down his face "Please!"

"Come on jisung, just tell us" The voices said "Is it true?"

Just tell them, haven't you always wanted to get rid of him?  a voice said in his head.

But he's my friend, I can't tell them, Jisung replied to his own thoughts.

He took him away from you! he deserves it! , the same voice added making jisung furiously shake his head.

"Stop! Stop!" He cried as he started hitting his head thinking it will stop both his inner voice and the voices that were surrounding him.

Just say it! His inner voice was now yelling at him, Say it! This is your only chance!

"Yes" Jisung finally whispered as he slowly opened his eyes and stood up looking at the black empty sky "Yes it's true but it's not chan's fault, it's all Taemin's fault! He made him do that!"

"Are you sure jisung?" The voices asked as they started fading.

"Yes." He nodded "I'm sure."

"Jisung! Hey jisung wake up!" He heard Chan's voice yell and he quickly opened his eyes and sighed when he was met with the older who was looking down at him confused "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine" Jisung said in a shaky voice.

It wasn't real jisung, He told himself as he tried to calm down.

"Are you sure? You were screaming and crying in your sleep, that's not normal" Chan said as he examined jisung.

"I-I just had a nightmare"

"But angels doesn't have nightmares" Chan frowned "Ah it must've been a memory"

"Ah yes that's what I meant" Jisung let out a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head " D-did I say anything while I was asleep?"

"You were just screaming 'I don't know' " Chan shrugged "Did something happen jisung? You know I can always help you"

"I-it's fine, it's not that important, don't worry about it" Jisung smiled as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Chan's waist, resting his head on his shoulder "Please don't leave me"

"What?" Chan asked as he grabbed jisung's shoulders and pulled him away so he could look at him "Why did you say that? Why would I leave you?"

"N-nevermind" Jisung answered looking down at the ground, regretting what he just said.

"I won't leave you sung" Chan let out a sight before he brought the younger back against him and hugged him back.

"No matter what?" Jisung whispered as he rested his head against Chan's shoulder again.

"No matter what." Chan nodded.


Is this chapter so messed up? I hope it's not cause I wrote it in like 10mins skssjshsls

Also who do you ship for now

Chansung or minsung?

Changjin or changlix?

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