13- Trust.

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"Jisung!" Chan yelled as he stormed inside jisung's room making him jump.

"Oh my god did you have to yell that hard?"

"Yes. Do you know anything about azazel?" Chan asked as he grabbed jisung by the shoulders.

"Azazel? The demon with the yellow eyes?"


"No I just know that he has yellow eyes" Jisung laughed but chan only glared at him.

"You're not lying to me are you?"

"What the heck chan" Jisung snapped as he pushed chan away from him "Why can't you trust me for once? I'm doing everything for you, you know I can just leave you like anyone else did but I chose to stay by your side!"

"I'm sorry" Chan muttered and tried to grab jisung's hand but he pulled away " I just thought you knew!"

"Chan why don't you understand? I don't know anything! I'm as clueless as you are cause first of all everyone knows that If they tell me anything I will tell you about it right away and secondly I'm stupid and no one wants to talk to me"

"You're not, sung" Chan said and grabbed jisung's arm pulling him closer and hugging him "I'm sorry, you're going through a lot because of me"

"Don't be, isn't that what friends are for?" Jisung said as he hugged chan back then pulled away "Is there anything else?"

"I need you to do just one last thing" Chan said.

"What is it?" Jisung sighed.

"I need you to stay with felix, he might be in danger. If I go again they will notice"

"You know what will happen to me if they find out" Jisung said as he looked down at his shoes.

"I wont let anything happen to you" Chan said and jisung scoffed.

Yeah isn't that what you told Taemin hyung, jisung thought.

"Okay, I trust you" Jisung sighed.

"Thank you sung, also be careful not to get caught he can see us" Chan smiled at the younger.

"See us? How? Isn't he just a human?" Jisung frowned.

"Yeah I don't know, I need to find out more about azazel first"

"Okay, Ill get going now then" Jisung said and smiled back at chan before disappearing.

Jisung watched felix as he threw himself in his bed and fell asleep immediately, it was a long day and all jisung did was walk behind him trying not to get caught, he knew that the boy felt his presence because of how many times he would turn around or look over his shoulder but thankfully he didn't see him. Jisung sighed and decided to give himself a house tour, he was pretty bored and he couldn't go back unless chan tells him to.

He got out of the room and was about to walk downstairs when he heard noises coming from the room next to felix's, he stepped closer and heard loud breathing and groaning.

Is he dying? he thought as he walked right inside the room without even opening the door.

"Oh my god, my eyes" Jisung yelled and covered his eyes with his hand.

The guy moaned again and Jisung took his hand off and watched as the brown haired boy played with himself, he wanted to turn away and leave but his curiosity took over him and he decided to do something that will cost not only his wings but his head too.

Well I already should be dead, so what am I going to lose, jisung thought and grinned as he walked towards the boy who was still jerking off on his bed still not noticing the guy in front of him. Minho moaned and was about to grab his tissue box when he saw jisung who was still watching him.

"What the fuck! W-who are you and how did you get here?" Minho asked as he quickly sat up.

"I'm here to help you" Jisung smiled.

"W-what? Help m-" Minho started but jisung cut him off and jumped on top of him and started kissing him.

Minho had no idea who this kid was and didn't know what to do, he felt the boy's soft lips against his and this only made him even harder than he already was. With a groan Minho grasped Jisung's waist and pushed him to the side of the bed and positioned himself above him.

"Name?" Minho asked softly as he looked down at the guy underneath him.

Jisung was enchanted by the voice of the brown haired boy, he was so soft and melodious, isn't he the angel? jisung thought as he wondered why the boy above him emanated this aura. He quickly regained his senses and began to sweat cold, he definitely couldn't say his name, it would be his death, jisung shook his head when memories flashed through his head.

"D-doesn't matter, what's yours?" He managed to say.

"Minho" Minho simply said before planting his lips on Jisung's in a sweet kiss.

Jisung on the other hand, was both amazed and shocked at Minho's action but did not hesitate to respond by moving his lips in rhythm with those of the older's. The kiss became more and more needy and Jisung found himself wrapping his arms around Minho's neck to get more contact making the latter go wild, he smirked against his lips and stuck his tongue inside of jisung's mouth without too much trouble making him moan suddenly into the contact.

Minho broke away slightly, trying to get Jisung to catch his breath as he looked at him with desire. The sight beneath him made him part with excitement, the boy under him had his eyes shining from the intense previous make out session however they were still full of lust, his cheeks tremendously flushed because of the older's gaze that was eating him alive, his forehead slightly sweaty and all the messy hair scattered on the white sheets of the bed. Minho couldn't help but notice how these sheets highlighted the breathtaking beauty in front of him.

"You came in the perfect time" Minho said before smashing his lips against jisung's again.



Thank you guys for reading this mess and I'm sorry if there's MANY mistakes, english is just my third language but I'll try to correct the mistakes/typos once this book is finished!

Also thanks to the best sis for writing the smut part (this is just the start) cause I couldn't do it ksnsjska

May god forgive us for our sins🙏 (say amen please)

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