16- Angel.

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  "Holy moly what's going on in here" Jisung said as he walked into the room making all three boys stop fighting and turn around to look at him "Oh...crap"

"Who are you?" Changbin asked as he let go of hyunjin's arm and walked towards the orange haired boy.

"Wait!" Felix shouted and walked next to Changbin and pointed at jisung who was still standing next to the door "Long orange hair and looks like a squirrel, that's him!! he's the one who messed up with my brother!"

"Did you just call me a squirrel?" Jisung gasped "How dare you!" 

"Well he's not wrong you do really look like a squirrel" Hyunjin shrugged.

"What the fuck are you? " Felix asked as he looked at the guy from head to toe "Are you like a demon whore that walks around and give people blow jobs?"

"What? A whore?" Jisung gasped again " Oh my god I'm so going to kill you!"

"Hey! I came first wait for your turn" Hyunjin said then looked at felix who was typing on his phone "What the hell are you doing?"

"Hold on a second" Felix said as he mentioned for them to wait with his free hand.

YeeFreakingHaw has posted:

Hey guys! This might be my last post cause there's 3 weird guys in my room and all of them want to kill me lmao, thanks for helping me, I love y'all and see y'all in hell uwu.

"I'm done" Felix said as he turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket and then looked at changbin who was just looking at the orange haired boy a grin forming on his face.

"An angel walking around giving blowjobs?" Changbin snorted "Taemin would really like you"

"Why would he l-" Hyunjin started but jisung cut him off.

"Taemin? How do you know him?" He asked as he walked towards changbin.

"You know him?" Changbin asked tilting his head.

"Y-yeah we used to be friends" Jisung said making both hyunjin and changbin look at each other.

"Is this him?" 

"No it can't be him, he's stronger than this." Changbin shook his head.

"Him? Who are you talking ab-?" Jisung started but stopped when he  noticed changbin's yellow eyes and gulped when he remembered chan's words.

He might be in danger, I need to find out about azazel first

is this azazel? Oh crap I'm dead, Jisung thought as he started to panic.

"Uhm guys can I go have breakfast? I'm really starving " Felix asked.

"Shut up or you will be my breakfast" Hyunjin snapped at him then looked at jisung again " Angel how do you know Taemin?"

"Wait he's really an angel?" Felix asked "I thought he was a demon like you!"

"Uh w-well I- Oh my god behind you!" Jisung screamed as he pointed at the back of the room making all three boys look behind them confused.

"W-where did he go?" Felix asked when he turned around and jisung wasn't there anymore.

"I can't believe I fell for that" Changbin shook his head and sighed "Hyunjin go tell Taemin about him, he might know him"

"How about fe-" Hyunjin started.

"Do you not fucking understand?" Changbin growled making hyunjin sight and send felix another death glare before he disappeared leaving only the two of them alone.

"You can have your breakfast now" Changbin spoke again as he looked at felix "And don't forget you only have 4 days left"

"Y-yeah I know" Felix sighed and just watched as changbin disappeared too.

4 days, 4 fucking days only to save my family, Felix thought.

"How in hell am I going to convince them" He groaned as he threw himself on his bed.

Felix laid there for minutes trying to think about what he should do but he couldn't think of anything, he has already tried everything. He didn't want to give up but the closer he got to the end of the week the more hopeless he got.

There's nothing I could do, he thought and felt his heart clench when he turned to the side and saw the polaroids that he made with his parents and brother on his wall.

"I'm sorry" He whispered as hot tears started to stream down his face "It's all my fault,  I'm too scared and stupid to do anything, I fucking hate my-"

"Seungmin is calling he said you didn't pick up your phone" Minho said barging into his room without knocking and threw his phone at felix, he looked at him and noticed his wet cheeks and red eyes but didn't say anything and left, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Hey?" Felix said as he grabbed the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey lix are you okay?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah I am why?"

"Good I'm just asking!" Seungmin said as he let out a sight of relief "Did you finish your essay?"


"Didn't you get the email? Today is the last day if you don't send it to Mr.Kim you will fail!"

"Oh my god I didn't check my emails!" Felix panicked and jumped from his bed to grab his school laptop "Oh shit I did get it but I didn't see it!"

"Well lix you're fucked, you better start it now!"

"How long did it take you to make?"

"4 days?"

"And you expect me to finish it in few hours?" Felix shouted as he started to panic even more "How am I supposed to do all of this in one day!"

"Okay but did you do the math homework?"


"The science project?"


"Felix what have you been doing the whole week!" Seungmin yelled.

"To be honest many things have been happening and I even forgot that I go to school in the first place" Felix laughed as he thought about how crazy and hectic his week was.

They expect me to care about school when I have demons trying to kill me?  Felix thought rolling his eyes

"Well get your ass ready, you're about to fail" Seungmin sighed.

"It doesn't matter I'm going to die anyways"


I'm sorry if this is trash I had to rewrite this 3 times cause wattpad hates me and my writing is getting worse 

I can't believe this mess is still #1 ksndksjsj thank you so much guys

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