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Please read its important

So before we start with this chapter I want to announce something and it's that I'm going on a hiatus which means this story and my other one are going to be on hold until I come back which will probably be in July. I know thats quite far away but I really need to focus on my studies like sometimes I don't even have the time to sleep so it's really hard for me to find time to write.

This story isn't even half way done, there's still so much to it and I know everything is confusing now but it will be explained later so I hope you guys will wait for me and I will try to comeback even better than before and I have manyy crazy plots that I would love to start and share with you once I get back and hopefully my writing will improve by then and not worsen-

Thank you so much for all the support and I hope you won't forget about this mess of a story :(♡

-Your worst author


Changbin lazily walked towards the throne, his fingers brushing against its black obsidian surface as he sat down and stared around him at the empty room and sighed in boredom. He wasn't in the mood for a meeting in fact he wasn't in the mood for anything other than hunting some innocent souls but he's been very busy lately trying to find out what's wrong with him and why he was linked to a human, a fucking human, he scoffed at himself as he remembered the dumb teenage boy that he's somehow linked to and breathed deeply in attempt of calming down, the meeting was starting soon and he didn't want to mess it up with his bad temper.

He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the air rippling by his side. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was since the only one who was allowed to stand by his side was Wooyoung so he just closed his eyes instead and leaned back against the throne.

"Is there something wrong?" He heard wooyoung's worried voice and shook his head.

"I'm just not in the mood for this," Changbin let out and wooyoung just nodded without questioning any further and soon enough Seonghwa and Jennie appeared in their seats, both of them aren't feeling any better than changbin who finally opened his eyes and stared at the two princes as San and Hyunjin joined "You're all late"

"You do know that we actually have work and tasks to do unlike someone who have been slacking off lately and hanging in the human realm more than in hell," Seonghwa shrugged as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, a challenging look on his face.

"Slacking off?" Changbin chuckled and glared back at seonghwa "Seonghwa no matter how much you do and work for hell it won't even make a quarter of the things I have done so you have no saying on whether I'm slacking off or not and even if I am, why do you think I created you huh? I created you to do whatever I tell you to do, so you do your tasks and shut up because I'm really not in the mood for your stupid arguments."

"You did not create us!" Seonghwa growled as he shot up and slammed his hand against the table making the whole room shake "Lucifer did!"

"Lucifer would've never thought of creating you but I did so you should be grateful and stop your damn bitching and whining cause it's getting annoying and you know very well the things I do to people who gets on my nerves" Changbin grinned when seonghwa didn't say anything back and just sat down in defeat. He then crossed his arms, turning his attention back to the other demons who were just watching silently "So any news?"

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