2- Nightmare.

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"Insomnia is just another word for chit chat with the demons during bedtime"

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"Insomnia is just another word for chit chat with the demons during bedtime"

Felix rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his bed and groaned when he saw that it was 4 am. This is just their second night here and he's already having trouble falling asleep so he just grabbed his phone and decided to watch some ASMR videos since It usually helps him fall back asleep. He turned his lamp on and looked for his earphones that he always put on his night table but frowned when he didn't find them there.

"Where did I put them?" Felix asked himself as he got out of his bed and walked to his desk. A smile formed on his face when he spotted his earphones on top of his laptop" Ha found you!"

He grabbed them and walked back to his bed and was about to put them on when he felt himself being watched. He slowly looked up from his phone and froze when he saw a black shadow standing right in front of his bed.

"W-who are y-you" Felix managed to say but the person in front of him didn't say anything back. The only thing Felix could hear was his vigorous heartbeats as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes hoping that he was just imagining things and that whatever is in front of him would just disappear once he opens them but his heart raced even more when his eyes opened and the shadow was still there "I s-said w-who are you!"

"You can see me?" The person asked his raspy voice sending shivers down Felix's spine and he almost peed himself when the guy was suddenly in front of him, eyeing him with his yellow eyes, their faces only a few inches apart, Felix was about to scream and call for help but the guy was fast enough to cover his mouth before he could even stutter a word and just like that Felix's vision suddenly became blurred, everything became fuzzy, his heartbeats were pounding loudly echoing in his ears.

He felt his body draining away until everything was black, the last thing he saw was his reflection in the yellow orbs that were looking back at him.

"Felix! Wake up!" His mother yelled as she barged into his room "Felix!"

Felix shot up in his bed, panic rising into his chest as he looked around him and ran out of his room as fast as he could without even thinking twice.

"What are you doing?" His mother asked confused by her son's strange behavior.

"He- He was there!" Felix shouted and pointed at his room "A weird yellow eyed dude! he was there!"

"What are you talking about Felix?" His mother asked as she looked around her. Minho who was passing by the room joined her when he heard Felix shouting and looked under the bed then walked to the closet.

"A yellow eyed guy was here? Are you sure?" Minho asked as he opened the closet's door and his eyes widened before he started screaming and running away from it making Felix scream as well "Oh my god It's there!"

" Ahhhhh " Felix screamed even louder as he ran downstairs and was ready to put his shoes on and run out of the house but stopped when he heard his brother laughing loudly.

"Oh my god, Felix I should have filmed that" Minho choked and Felix just stood in front of the door watching his brother as he fell on the floor still laughing and making fun of him.

"Minho shut up! " His mother rolled her eyes as she walked to Felix and hugged him "Sweetheart it's just a nightmare, don't think about it too much"

Felix just nodded and waited for his mother to let go of him, He walked past his brother who was of course still laughing his ass off and probably texting his friends about it.

"I'm going insane," Felix shook his head as he walked back into his room, closed the door behind him, and decided to just stay in his bed and watch some Netflix shows but was suddenly interrupted by his brother who barged into his room like he always did.

"Move your ass we have to clean that ugly basement," Minho said before walking to his brother who didn't move and started dragging him out of his room.

"I'm tireeed" Felix whined trying to go back to his room but his brother kept dragging him.

"Why are you tired? All You've been doing is sleep and dream about a weird guy with yellow eyes" Minho laughed and Felix groaned knowing his brother will never stop teasing him and bringing up what happened earlier this morning.

"Ugh, I hate this" Felix groaned again when he saw the plastic bucket and brush that Minho has prepared for him.

"Bro come on! we could play Fortnite after we finish," Minho said smirking making Felix turn around to face him a smirk forming on his face too.

"Ohh we better start then, I'll clean this side," Felix said excitedly before he started walking to the left side of the huge room ready to start cleaning. He grabbed the brush and was about to start but his brother called him making him put it back down in the bucket and turn around to look at him "Yeah?"

" I found something!" Minho said to his brother as he walked toward him "Look at this!"

"What is it?" Felix asked when he saw his brother walking towards him with a paper in his hands as he tried to read the writing on it.

"Hum it's a family portrait" Minho replied, " It says Seo family I think"

Felix grabbed the picture from his brother's hand and looked at it, it was so old and faded he couldn't see the faces well but as he took a closer look at it their faces started getting a little more clear. Felix suddenly dropped the picture and took two steps backward as his heart began to hammer against his chest, he looked up at his brother, the color quickly draining from his face.

"T-that g-guy! d-dark haired guy" Felix tried to say and pointed at the picture that was now laying on the floor "H-He he's the o-one I saw in m-my dream"

"Bro you're bad at acting," Minho said as he patted Felix's shoulder and grabbed the picture from the ground, and looked closer at the guy's face "Hmm he looks good though, worth dreaming about"

"I'm not joking!" Felix yelled as he snatched the picture and looked at it again " I'm sure it's him!"

"So you're saying this boy from this picture that looks like it was taken in the fucking '80s came to your dreams last night with yellow fucking eyes?" Minho asked seriously and Felix nodded.

"Yeah! I swear to god!" Felix said hoping his brother would believe him and he thought he did because of the serious look that he had on his face.

"MOM! FELIX IS GOING INSANE! HELP ME!" Minho screamed as he ran upstairs to his mother leaving his brother behind.

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