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  "Is this the one and only Bang Chan?" A voice said making chan stop in his tracks and slowly turn around to face the blonde gril.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I should be the one asking you that" She replied crossing her arms  "Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend in hell?"

"Don't" Chan growled, clenching his knuckles as he tried to hold himself back.

"Oh sorry my bad I forgot that you two broke up" She said then chuckled " After you betrayed him"

"I didn't betray anyone!"

"I sometimes wonder why you're so special, don't they see how much of a dick you actually are?  You made worse things than I did but look at you and look at me"

"Look Lisa  it's not my fault that you got kicked so how about you accept your own mistakes and leave me the fuck alone?" Chan said and was about to walk away when Lisa spoke again.

"You do know that he's coming for you right?" She grinned.

"I get it now" Chan chuckled as he turned back around to look at Lisa who frowned "Did they bring you all the way here and told you that they will forgive you if you stop him? Wow they even brought a banished angel back to heaven to protect me, I feel even more special now. Good luck honey, make sure he doesn't get to me okay?"

Chan waited for her to reply but she didn't, she just closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"I'll take that as an okay" Chan sweetly smiled at her before leaving.

"Chan!" Jisung shouted and jumped from the couch when he saw chan walk in.

"She's still here!" Chan said as he slammed the door shut behind him "There's hundreds of banished angels why in hell did they chose her?"

"C-chan" Jisung said again trying to get the older's attention.

"Like they could've brought Kevin back or any one else, why did it have to be her!"


"Do I have to see that bitch's face everyday now?" Chan groaned as he ran his hand through his hair then looked at jisung "Wait what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be with felix?"

"W-well something happened" Jisung muttered as he looked at his shoes not wanting to look into chan's eyes.

"What do you mean? did something happen to felix?" Chan asked as he walked towards the younger.

"N-no but I think I saw azazel and another demon and they saw me too" Jisung said still looking down "And they both know Taemin"

"Yeah that's azazel" Chan sighed "Is Felix okay?"

"Yeah I think so, he was fighting with the other demon but azazel stopped them" Jisung said and slowly looked up at chan "I'm sorry, I was so careless"

"It's okay sungie" Chan smiled and grabbed jisung's arm pulling him against him and wrapped his arms around his small waist "You're alright that's all that matters"

Jisung just smiled and rested his head against chan's shoulder as he hugged him back, tears filling his eyes.

"I did something bad" Jisung admitted, his arms tightening around chan even more " I didn't control myself and I- I-"

"It's okay sung, we all make mistakes" Chan said as he cupped jisung's face and lift it up so he could looked into his eyes.

"B-but they w-will punish me if they find out" 

"I told you that I won't let anything happen to you" Chan smiled down at jisung " Do you trust me?"

"Yeah of course I do" Jisung nodded and his eyes widened when chan leaned down and planted his soft lips against his, he just stood there shocked as he tried to process what was happening. 

This is wrong, I can't do this I already risked too much, Jisung thought.

He wanted to pull away but he couldn't get himself to do it, the contact was extremely pleasant and relaxing, it made him feel protected and loved. Jisung knew that he has already made too many mistakes and he could lose everything, but now, the only thing that he could think of was Chan's lips on his. The latter broke off for a moment to catch his breath and with a smile he returned to the younger's lips without leaving him time to realize. Jisung tied his arms around chan's neck as the contact deepened more and more. The situation quickly ignited, perhaps too much, but the two angels were too caught up in their lips to worry about the consequences of their actions.

"So Mr.Lee you're telling me that you didn't do any of your homework or projects and you also missed class last time without even informing us because your cousin is visiting and he didn't let you do your school homework?"

"Yes my cousin has a very bad temper" Felix nodded.

"So you didn't do your homework because your cousin has a bad temper?"

"Yes sir."

"Mr.Lee does your parents know about this?"

"No sir?"

"Well they will because I'm going to call them after class" His teacher said before walking back to his desk "So surprisingly everyone did well in the essay except Mr.lee who only wrote his name"

"He should be grateful that I wrote something" Felix whispered and rolled his eyes as everyone in the classroom started laughing.

"You should be grateful you didn't get expelled" Seungmin laughed.

"Felix is your cousin hot?" Jeongin asked.

"Yeah he's so hot it's like he came straight out of hell"

"Wow you should invite us over I really want to see him" Jeongin smiled.

"Yeah sure" Felix laughed as he imagined jeongin's reaction when he sees the yellow eyed demon he has in  his house.

"Guys you won't believe this" Jacob said as he and Sunwoo joined them and sat down in the desks behind theirs "Sunwoo got the best mark!"

"You're joking right?" Seungmin laughed but stopped when sunwoo shoved his papers in front of his face "What? Didn't you say you didn't do anything?"

"Well yeah I didn't" Sunwoo snorted as he looked at his papers in disbelief "Hyunjin did such a good job"

"Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"Yeah my older brother" Sunwoo smiled still looking at his papers.

It can't be him, there's hundreds of other hyunjins, felix thought.


So guys who's your favorite character for now?

Mine is changbin x)

Also don't forget to vote or I will steal your cookies uwu

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