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    Changbin silently walked into the meeting hall and sat down on the throne. He stared with annoyed eyes at the demons who summoned him, waiting for them to explain the purpose of the sudden meeting.

"Three archangels are here," Jennie started  " They didn't want to speak to any of us, they asked for either you or Lucifer"

Changbin pinched the bridge of his nose and sank down in his seat. That was the last thing he wanted to hear right now. He already had tons of things to deal with and the archangels were the last thing he wanted to get involved with especially while he was linked to a human and could die at any moment.

"Have you done anything that could've made them mad?" Cain asked and Changbin almost chuckled at that question.

What haven't I done, He wanted to reply but chose not to. His eyes shifted to the black marble floor as he tried to think of why the archangels had to come all the way to hell now out of all time.

"They probably just want their souls back" Seonghwa shrugged.

"We've been taking souls for decades and they never came here so what changed?" Jennie stated.

Seonghwa studied her for a while in silence before shrugging once again.

"Well, maybe it's because they just noticed now?"

"Y'all won't believe this!" San yelled as he barged into the room "One of the archangels is Chan! The one who got Lucifer banished! He's back to being an archangel, how is that even possible?"

"Are you sure?" Cain asked as he shot up from his seat. His skin crawling upon hearing the angel's name " That can't be true!"

"Oh I get it now," Jennie snapped, folding her arms across her chest as she grinned "That bastard is trying to get things under control since he's back to being an archangel. He wants to prove himself worthy and that's why he's here. He definitely wants you to give them their souls back"

That made sense to Changbin but he still said nothing. He wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this but he had no other choice. He wasn't scared of them, even without his powers he knew there was nothing they could do to him since they couldn't get past the gates without him inviting them in so they wouldn't even be able to touch him or sense his lack of power.

"I'll come with you," Cain said when he saw Changbin stand up, and without wasting any more time they both teleported to the gates where they found Wooyoung and Cerberus already there and standing behind the gates were 3 angels, all dressed up in white with their heads raised high.

Changbin could tell that they were trying their best to look intimidating but seeing angels in hell was funny enough to make him chuckle. He lived here for decades but this was his first time seeing someone dressed up in such elegant white clothes in hell and the way they thought they could intimidate him in his own propriety made everything even funnier.

What's up with angels and their obsession with white?  He thought and shook his head, the grin on his face even wider than before

"What so funny Azazel?" The blonde guy in the middle asked and Changbin assumed that was the infamous Chan.

"You" Changbin smirked and crossed his hands enjoying the sight of a furious angel to the fullest "What do you want?"

"You" Chan mimicked.

"I mean who doesn't" Changbin grinned, still talking in his mocking tone which made the angel even more annoyed.

"I'm not here to joke around Azazel," Chan warned and stepped forward toward the gates getting as close to the demons as possible " You've broken the rules countless times and you have to pay for it"

Highway To Hell // ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now