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    Felix groaned as he kicked his covers away with his legs and turned around in the bed in hopes of finding a more comfortable position but he frowned when he felt cold and wet mud against his skin instead of his bedsheet's soft material.

"What the heck," he muttered as he lazily opened his eyes only to be met with nothing but darkness.

He laid there for a few more seconds, he didn't grasp what had happened yet and his eyes were giving up on him as he slowly started drifting back to sleep but they opened widely the moment he felt the raindrops hitting his skin and he quickly jumped in panic.

"Holy shit!" He screamed once he realized that he was definitely not in his room and stood up as he looked around him in confusion. 

A forest. He was in the middle of a forest and he didn't have any clue how he ended up there so he just stood still for a few seconds concentrating and trying to think of what could have possibly happened, was he sleepwalking? did he get kidnapped and then dropped in the middle of nowhere? All he remembers was going to sleep after having dinner.

"What is happening to me," He groaned in confusion and started walking around in the dark forest trying his best not to trip and fall on the slippery mud.

He was done, he didn't even try to think about how he ended up here anymore. He just wanted to go back to his bed so he kept walking without questioning anything. Trying to convince himself that the hospital is nearby even though he knows damn well that there was no forest near the hospital.

Something isn't right, he thought as he walked through the trees, slowly examining his environment but suddenly stopped when he felt even more raindrops falling on him but this time they were hot, almost burning his skin.

"Aww," He cried in pain as he grabbed his hand and looked above him thinking it was something else other than rain but his heart almost dropped when his eyes landed on the familiar blood red sky " Oh hell no!"

Felix started backing away with shaking legs, his eyes still glued on the sky as he tried to make up a lie to tell himself but failed miserably and he let out a loud scream when he heard the weird thunder sounds.

"No, no.." He  aggressively shook his head "There's no way I'm back in here"

Felix's eyes widened when it hit him, Wait I'm dead? There's no other explanation to why I'm in hell again all by myself, I must be dead!

"Oh my god!" He cried as he covered his mouth in shock " I don't want to die, at least take me to heaven!! What did I do to end up in hell?!"

"Who?" A voice said from behind Felix making him jump in surprise and slip on the wet mud and fall back on his ass with a loud thud and a yelp coming out of his mouth.

His eyes slowly moved up from the mud to the black boots and pants and long black fur coat and gulped when they finally landed on the stranger's face.

God is he beautiful, Felix thought in shock as he took the guy's appearance again, Why is this guy even in hell? He should be on a fashion show not here!

"So?" The guy repeated, his voice was deep but gentle at the same time making Felix want to hear it more, almost forgetting about the fact that he somehow died and ended up in hell.

"Hum?" Felix muttered, still mesmerized by the guy who was now moving towards him.

"Who brought you to hell instead of taking you to heaven Felix?" He said as he crouched down so he was now the same level as Felix and just a few inches away.

" I-I don't know," Felix muttered in a shaky voice before his eyes widened and he pushed himself back trying to get away from the stranger "Wait! How do you know my name?"

Highway To Hell // ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now