Chapter 5

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Those beautiful blue eyes stared at mine and my heart stopped beating for a second.

"Alex! I didn't know you came here at school" he said smiling.

"This is my first day here" I said blushing.

"Did you change school?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"No, I've just moved here in Dublin with my family" I said.

He was really handsome. He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans.

"Oh... I would have bet on the fact that you weren't Irish!" he smirked.

"Why?" I said confused

"Your accent. You're English, right?" he said.
I nodded.

"Where are your from exactly?"

"London" I said.

"I saw you at English class but I wasn't sure that it was really you"

What?! He saw me?!

"R-Really?!" I said blushing.

He laughed. "Aww, you're blushing!" he said amused

"I'm not blushing!" I said looking at the ground.

How embarrassing!

"Want to go out for a drink? We're going to be classmates after all" he said smiling.

What?! Was it a date?! Don't overthink Alex, just don't!

"Sorry Glen but I can't. My friend is waiting for me. Maybe another day" I said smiling.

"Of course!" he said.

I nodded. "Bye Glen"

"Bye Alex" and he waved at me.

Then I walked out of the school, and I saw Beth leaning against a tree.

"Sorry Beth" I said apologetically.

"Where have you been? I was getting worried!" she said as we started walking.

"I was talking... Um... with an acquaintance of mine" I said

"And who was it?" she said raising an eyebrow.

I didn't know what to say.

"Alex?!" she said as she stopped walking and then she looked at me.

"Okay..." I took a deep breath "I was talking to a guy"

"What?! Who is he? Did he ask you out? What did you said? Do you like him?" she said rapidly.

"Beth, stop!" I said firmly "I was talking with Glen, one of the guys who is in the English class with us. He asked me out for a drink but I don't think it was an actual date because he barely knows me. And then I said no, because you were waiting for me" I said without answering to the last question.

Her face was a mixture of astonishment and anger.

"What?! He asked you out and you said no, because of me! How could've you been so stupid?" she said in disbelief.

"I would have said no anyway. I met him just two days ago" I said annoyed.

She was acting like I refused a date with the richest man in the world.

"You already know him?!" she said as her eyes went wide.

"I met him at the park. And today he saw me at school and he recognised me" I said

"Oh my God! I hope Bettany didn't see you with him" she said worried

"Who's Brittany?" I asked confused

"She's Glen's ex. She's the most popular girl in the school and they broke up last week. He left her because she cheated on him at a party while she was drunk. But she still loves him and she would do everything to have him back" she said

She left me speechless. Anger was growing inside me. He didn't deserve what that girl did to him. He seemed a really good guy.
But at the same time I felt another thing: jealousy. And that made me prove to myself that maybe I felt something for him...

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