Chapter 29

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Finally we had two weeks off school because of Christmas which I was going to spend with Alex and my friends.
I was really looking forward to holidays because I needed some time off and to relax a bit.
It was Christmas Day and we were waiting for my family and our neighbours to arrive.
I was already dressed in my dark jeans and grey sweatshirt. My mum tried to force me to wear a suit because she said I needed to give a good impression on our relatives when they would have arrived.
Honestly I didn't give a shit about them and what they thought about me. I just wanted to see Alex.
I missed her even though I had seen her the previous day. She became an important part of my life and I felt the need to have her beside me.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mum calling me from the kitchen, asking me to go open the door.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the doorbell ringing.
I stood up from the couch and I went and open the door. When I opened it there were Danny and Mark with some boxes in their hands.

"Merry Christmas Glen" Danny said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas" I replied.
Mark and Danny handed me two boxes which were probably their Christmas presents for me.
I put them on the ground as they made their way to the kitchen were my mum was.
That was the second Christmas Mark spent with us since his parents dead 1 year and a half earlier. But I had never spent a Christmas with Danny especially because his, was a very big family and my house couldn't welcome so many people.
Then the doorbell rang again and I turned around to open it.
This time it was Alex, Jason and Nicole. I welcomed them with a big smile which they all returned.
Then my gaze focused on Alex. She was wearing a black dress which fell past her knees and a black leather jacket. She was beautiful as always. I didn't even know why she was with me sometimes.

"Okay, I get it. Let's go Jason" Nicole said laughing and they went away leaving Alex and me alone.
She blushed a little and looked at the ground. I got closer to her and I kissed her softy.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart" I said looking at her in her eyes.

"Merry Christmas" she said kissing me again on the cheek.

I took her hand and with my other one I closed the door. When we got in the living room Danny and Mark were already seated on the couch.

"Merry Christmas guys" Alex said greeting them both.
They exchanged their presents and I got a little jealous. What if Mark and Danny had bought her something better than the present I brought her?
I threw that tought out of my head and I found the three of them talking.

Suddenly Cole come downstairs and greeted us.

"Merry Christmas guys" he said smiling
Alex, Danny and Mark wished him Merry Christmas too.

"That dress looks very good on you Alex" Cole said looing at her.

"Thanks, you look good too" she said complimenting him and I swear I saw Cole blushing. And then he exited the room.

I felt a wave of jealousy and anger washing over me but I did my best not to show it. But Mark and Danny noticed it and looked at me.
I felt Alex moving beside me "I'm going to check if they need some help in the kitchen" she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

When she was out of sight Mark and Danny put their gaze on me.

"What?" I snapped

"That was....weird" Mark said

"Yeah" Danny added

I sighed "Hey, there's no need to worry about this. Your brother was just complimenting her" Mark said and I nodded.

"Well guys, I have to go now or my mum will yell at me for getting late at Christmas lunch" Danny said as he rolled his eyes and got up from the couch.

"Okay, wish your family a Merry Christmas from us" Mark said politely

"Thanks I will" Danny said as he exited the room.
"Come on... let's see what the others are doing" Mark said as we both stood up and exited the living room.

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