Chapter 13

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Since Alex told me about what Brittany told her I became more protective toward her. I couldn't stop myself from getting worried about what Brittany could do to Alex.

I was going home, for the first time alone because Alex was going shopping with the girls. She was starting to get usual to the life here in Dublin and I was glad that she spent some time with the girls, so she wouldn't have thought much about her old life.

When I reached home I saw Brittany sat on the grass of my garden. I got angry just looking at her. What the hell did she want?

She noticed me and she smiled. "Hey Glen"

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at her. I couldn't stand seeing her face knowing that she threatened Alex.

"I wanted to see you" I rolled my eyes

She came near me and she tried to put her arms around my neck, but I stopped her.

"Glen, come on" she said looking at me

"Stop acting like nothing happened" I yelled to her

Her eyes widened "W-What...." I cut her off

"Like you did nothing to me!" I yelled again, she was pissing me off with her behaviour.

"And as if you didn't have enough, now you're threatening Alex! Why did you do that? She'll never be away from me, and even if she wants to, I won't let her!" I said angrily

"Glen, I did it for us!" she yelled back

"We will never be together again! Keep it in your mind!" I said as I opened the door of my house and went inside. I threw my school bag on the floor.

No one was at home, so I watched some TV, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fight with Brittany. How could have she been so sure that I would have wanted her back? She was really crazy!

I needed to distract myself from that thoughts, so I called Mark and Danny to tell them to come over...

After 10 minutes the doorbell rang and I made the guys come in. Like usual they made themselves at home and they sat on the couch.

"So, what's the matter Glen?" Mark asked me.

"I had a fight with Brittany" I said running my hand through my hair

The guys already knew about the conversation between Brittany and Alex, so it was easy for them to understand what I was talking about.

"When?" Danny asked

"I was coming home from school and she was waiting for me outside the house" I said throwing my head back in frustration.

"What the hell does she want from you?" Mark said looking at me

"She wants to be with me again, but I don't want to. She's jealous about my friendship with Alex and I'm afraid of what she can do to her" I said

"She won't do anything to her, Glen. I can assure you about this. Alex is always with you. So there's no need to get worried" Danny said putting his hand on my knee comforting me

"I hope so. I swear to God if she dares to touch her....." I said angrily

"Glen!" Mark stopped me "you won't do anything because it won't happen" he added.

Mark was the eldest between us. He was like a brother to me and Dan and he kept us out of messes.

We knew each other since we were children and we shared a lot of things together, like the love for music.

"Okay. Thank you" I said looking at them with a thankful look. They smiled me back.

"So, what do we do now?" Danny said clapping his hands.

"What about playing something on my guitar?" I said standing up

They agreed and we played some songs together.

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