Chapter 37

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The moment Glen asked that question my heart felt like it had stopped beating.

I didn't know who told him about that kiss but this time I had to tell Glen the truth.
He was looking at me intently and tears were starting to form in my eyes.

I closed my eyes and I took a deep breath and I said "Yes".

That was barely a whisper and I prayed he had heard me because it was painful admiting it and I didn't want to repeat it because it was too heartbreaking.
When I opened my eyes I looked at Glen and I understood he had heard me because a tear rolled down his cheek and I felt the urge to hug him so tight but I just couldn't because I couldn't move.

"Cole?" Glen asked to make sure I was saying the truth.

"I didn't know what I was thinking Glen. I like her and-" Cole didn't even have the time to end his sentence because Glen's fist connected with his jaw and he fell on the floor.

"You bastard!" Glen screamed to his brother and he managed to climb on top of him to punch him even more.

But luckily I took Glen by his arm and I stopped him in time.

"Glen please don't do that. He's your brother" I pleaded.

"Don't touch me" he spat.
I shakily removed my hand from his arm and he looked at me.

"He WAS my brother" he said looking at me.
"Brothers don't do what he did" he added.

I could tell he was trying not to cry. His eyes were teary and I knew he was more than heartbroken...

"And I thought you were different. I thought you loved me, but I was wrong, so wrong" he shook his head.

"I'm sorry Glen, I can't say it's not my fault but I swear I didn't want it to happen" I said.

"You know what?! The thing that hurts the most is not the fact that you two kissed, but it's that neither of you didn't tell me about it in the first place and someone else told me" he said and more tears formed in my eyes.

"I though I could trust you, but I was wrong Alex" he said and then he made his way to the front door.

"Glen wait!" I tried to stop him.
But he didn't and kept walking away...


Alex and Cole kissed...

I couldn't think straight while I was walking.
All i could think about was Alex's face when she told me that.
I walked away because I needed some time alone and I decided to go to my "secret" place.

When I arrived there, I sat on the grass and I looked around.
Once it was my happy place but now it wasn't anymore. It reminded me of Alex and the first time we confessed our love for each other.

And then I couldn't hold it anymore and I broke into tears.

I didn't know how long I sat there but it was dark when I got home and Alex wasn't there.
I just needed to tell her about that news, but I guessed now that we had broken up, it didn't matter anymore...

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