Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of the TV coming from downstair.

I looked at the alarm and it was 8.30. I got out the bed and I made my way to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was messy and my brown eyes were darker than the usual.

I refreshed my face with water and I got out of the bathroom.

I went and open the window and then I saw the house! That house!

Shit! I had forgot the trip with Glen! I had just half an hour to get ready!

I ran downstairs where my mum was sat on the couch watching TV.

She saw me "Good morning, hun! Did you sleep well?"

I ignored her and I put some tea in the mug. I drank it as fast as I could.

"Alex?! What are you doing?" my mum asked.

"Sorry, mum. I'm late!" and I ran in my bedroom.

I took a quick shower and when I finished I wrapped myself in a towel and I opened the closet.

I didn't know what to wear. I fastly dialled Amy's number. She always knew what to do in every situation.

Cindy, Amy's mum answered the phone. I told her that I had to talk to Amy immediately.

"Hello?" she answered sleepy. I was sure that she was still sleeping. It was Suturday after all, so there was no school.

"Amy! I need your help!" I said almost yelling at the phone.

"What the hell Alex! It's about 9 in the morning and you've interrupted my sleep"

She said bored. "You phoned me yesterday night. What's up?"

I rolled my eyes at her childness. "Yeah yeah, but yesterday I kind of forgot to tell you something" I said biting my lip. "I met a guy and this morning he's going to take me around Dublin and I don't know what to wear. Help me?"

"What?! You forgot to tell me that you have a date this morning? What does he look like?" she said excited

"Amy I'm already late. So if you don't mind we'll talk about him later. And it's definitely not a date!" I said.

"Whatever" she said grumbling.

After 10 minutes of arguing about what kind of outfit I was going to wear, we came up with a tank top with a skirt who fell above my knees and a pair of sneakers.

I didn't put any make-up and I tied my hair in a ponytail.

I took my leather jacket and I went downstairs. My mum looked at me "where are you going?" she asked smiling.

"Um, a friend of mine is taking me around the city" I said. And then the doorbell rang.

I took a deep breath and I said goodbye to my mum.

"Have fun!" she said kissing my cheek.

Then I opened the door and I saw Glen standing with his back toward the door.

I closed it and then he turned around.

"Hey" he said

"Hi Glen" I said smiling

"You look.... good" he said scratching the back of his neck

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" and then I looked at the ground.

I wasn't lying. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. The blue of his t-shirt matched the one of his eyes.

He took my hand and we started walking

"Ready for the trip?" he asked looking at me

I nodded. "Where are we going first?" I asked excited.

"We're excited! Aren't we?" he laughed.

Actually I was really excited for the trip, I would have to live in Dublin so I had to know the city.

"First we're going to have breakfast, we need energies for our tour. Dublin is big" he said

After 5 minutes of walking we reached a small bar and we went in.

"Hi Jane" Glen said to the elder lady behind the counter. She had grey hair and blue eyes. She seemed really nice.

"Morning Glen" she said and then she looked at me and smiled. "And you are?"

"I'm Alex, Ma'am" I said politely.

"Oh, sweetheart, call me Jane" she smirked

"Sit there guys, I'm coming to take your orders" Jane nodded to the table at the corner of the bar.

Me and Glen sat there and Jane followed.

"So, what can I get you?" she said

"Tea and some chocolate cake, please" I said

"I'll take the same, thank you" Glen added

"Ok, I'm coming straight away" she said and she smiled at us before going to the counter again

"It's pretty here" I said.
It was a small bar with 7 or 8 tables. It was painted with a light yellow and on the wall were hung many pictures of the city.

"Yes, I always come here to have breakfast, when my mum can't make it" Glen said "she's a doctor, so she works most of the time"

Then Jane came to our table and she put our breakfast in front of us

"Thank you" me and Glen said at the same time

Jane smiled and she went back to work.

We ate out breakfast while we talked about this and that.

"Ready?" he asked when we finished eating.

"Let's go!" I said


"Wow!" I was speechless. In front of me I had the most wonderful sight that I'd ever seen. We were on the Ha'Penny Bridge and from there we could see the view of the entire city. It was really beautiful.

"I know, it's amazing!" Glen said smiling

It was afternoon and we had just finished eating our lunch. We had already been at Temple Bar and we had so much fun because we saw all the street artists who were singing and playing and we sang along them.

I found out that Glen had a really beautiful voice. He could play the guitar and the drums.

Somehow he was making me forget about my old life, and he made me realise that maybe I could be happy in Dublin, too although the distance between me and my friends.

We admired the sight for a long time before going to a place where Glen said that I would have loved.

He took me in Grafton Street, one of the most important street in Dublin and it was full of shops and people.

"So, do you like the city so far?" Glen asked

"I didn't think it was so beautiful. Many friends of mine told me that it was a nice city, but seeing and living here it's different. I like it!" I said looking at him

"I know, there's something magical here. I would never change this city for anything. And I'm glad you like it" he said smiling

"Do you like shopping?" he asked

"Of course!" I said "Can we go in?" I asked him nodding toward a clothing store

"You don't have to ask Alex!" he said smiling

"Oh, okay" and I started walking in.

Then I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and outside the shop there was a girl who was wrapped around Glen...

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