Chapter 6

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*Next day*


I was really nervous because I had English, and that meant that probably I would have seen Glen. Since Beth told me about Brittany I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Beth and I went into the classroom. I looked around and Glen was there; he was sat at his desk talking with his friends.
We sat at our usual desks and then he saw me. He smiled at me. Suddenly he said something to his friends and came to my desk.

"Hi, ladies" he said.

I looked at Beth. She was blushing like crazy and she was staring at him. I kicked her leg to make her stop daydreaming.

She jumped and looked at me with the 'what the hell' look.

"Hi, Glen" I said smiling

"Hi" Beth said

"Um... Glen, she's my friend Elizabeth" I said

"Nice to meet you Elizabeth" he said smiling at her

"Oh, please call me Beth" she said "and it's a pleasure to meet you too"

They shook hands and then Glen spoke "Um, girls, we're going to the park after school and I was wondering if you would like to come"

"Of course! We're coming with you" Beth said.

W H A T ? Was she crazy?! We were going to the park with people that we didn't know!
But, maybe it was my opportunity to make new friends...

I looked at her. "So, Alex can visit the city too" she added.

"Sure! I can show you the city if you want" Glen said looking at me.

I didn't have the chance to answer because the teacher came into the classroom.

"So, see you at the end of the lessons, outside the school girls" he said and then he went back to his desk.

"What have you done Beth?" I whispered

"We'll be fine, don't worry" she whispered back.

During the English lesson, Glen kept glancing at me. And of course I kept blushing even more.
The rest of the day went quickly. My last lesson was psychology. Beth wasn't with me because she didn't study that subject. So we were meeting at my locker for going with the other guys at the park.

When we got out of the school Glen and his friends were collected near a bench.
I'd never been good when it came to make new friends so I was a bit nervous.
I wanted to make a good impression on them. I had just to be myself and hope that they would have acted friendly to me.

Beth squeezed my hand for reassuring me "It'll be fine, don't worry Alex" and she smiled at me.

I nodded at her and I returned her smile.

Then we made our way to them. They were laughing and joking together.
Glen noticed me and Beth and he walked up to us.

"Hey!" he said giving both me and Beth a kiss on the cheek.

I blushed furiously. Why did he have this effect on me?!

"I'm gonna introduce you two to the guys" he said smiling.

We nodded. "Guys!" Glen shouted and they turned to us.

"I want you to meet someone" he said pointing at us "This is Beth and she is Alex" he said.

They all waved at us. "Girls, this is Sam" he said pointing to a girl with hazel eyes and long brown hair. She smiled at us "Hi, there!" she said with her sweet voice.
I felt like shit compared to her. She was really beautiful and I was sure that all the guys were falling at her feet.

Then Glen pointed to a blonde girl, he said that her name was Rina.

"This is Mark, Rina's boyfriend" Glen said indicating the guy with red hair. He had his arm around Rina's waist. He smiled at us and we smiled back.

The last one was a very tall lad whose name was Danny. He had brown hair and green eyes. I had seen him already but I didn't remember where or when.

"Okay, guys. Now we can go to the park!" Glen said.

During the walk to the park we talked all together and I told them the reason why I moved in Dublin, too. And, I found out that Mark was older than us and that he came to school every day just to meet Rina and the guys. They were very funny. And I remembered where I saw Danny. He was the guy who was drunk the night I saw Glen outside my house. He was a bit crazy for his age, but he was very nice and talkative.

When we arrived at the park we sat under a tree. I was sat with Beth and Sam while Glen and Danny were talking to each other about boys' stuffs and Mark and Rina were walking around the park alone.

"Sometimes we can go shopping together if you want to" Sam said "You don't know the city well, do you?" she asked laying on the grass.

"No, I didn't have the chance to visit the city yet" I said

"I'm taking you around the city tomorrow, don't worry" suddenly Glen said

"I told you that I can bring you around Dublin... If you want me to of course" he added

"Um, sure" I said smiling.

We kept talking about this and that. And it started to become dark so I decided to go home.

"I'm going with you Alex. I won't let you go home alone. It's dark, so it's pretty dangerous" Glen said standing up from the grass.

"Dan and Mark take care of the girls and be sure that they get back home safe" Glen said to the guys.

Glen was very wise for his age and he was so protective toward his friends. And I liked this part of him. He made me feel safe.

"Bye guys, see you" I said

We started waking to my house "So, where do you live?" Glen asked me.

"You'll see. I'm able to reach my house from here. This is the only way I'm able to go trough since I arrived here" I laughed

He laughed too. After a moment of silence he spoke again "I'm sorry for what happened, you know, about your parents" he said with an apologetic look.

"Nah, it's ok. They didn't love each other anymore. They argued almost every minute of the day. So there was no need from them to be together" I said looking at the ground.

Truly it really hurt not to see my parents together, but it was probably the best decision they had ever made.

"So, are you excited to go sightseeing around the city tomorrow?" he asked.

The next day was Saturday, so we wouldn't have been going to school and it was the perfect day for a 'trip'

I nodded. "Okay, we're here" I said once we arrived to my house.

"What?! This is your house?" Glen said almost in desbelief.

"Yes, why?" I asked confused

"Well, I live there" he said pointing out to the house opposite mine.

I stared at him "Seriously?"

"It seems that we are neighbours" he looked at me and then we laughed together.

"Um, so... I'll pick you up at 9 tomorrow" he said

"Okay... Um Glen... Thanks for today" I said blushing for the hundredth time

"You're welcome Alex. Good night. See you tomorrow" he said waving.

"Night" I said and then I opened the front door and went inside my house.

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