indomitus: ssybahz

38 0 0

finished: july 4, 2022

FINALLY MY FIRST FIVE STAR READ!! i'm so happy to finally find a book that gives me everything that i could possibly want. ares is definitely my favorite book boyfriend as for now! he's just so hot and very thoughtful, and possessive! the writing was also very smooth and eay to read with the use of metaphors and all and all. i tried to read it as slow as i could so that it wouldn't finish, but truth to be told, it did. and i'm so happy with the ending and how all of the characters solved everything. i loved everything about this book so much! i can definitely tell and appreciate how hard this author has spent her time, thoughts, and basically everything for this book! i do not even want to say much other than just go read it! i promise you, it'll be one of your fave books too (and if not, then leave, you're unwanted in this community, JUST KIDDING!). i lost count how many times i sobbed and literally ugly cried throughout the whole book, i'd cry when it comes to the sad scenes and also the happy ones. this book had been on ny tbr for the longest time and i'm so happy to finally get into it! we did it! 3 phenomenal books in a row! i also lost count on how many people i had i recommend this book too, i just want everyone to be able to enjoy this book as much as i did!

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