his regina: yafavshai

13 0 0

finished: january 19, 2023
random number: 129

i'm not going to lie, book series, especially long ones  still intimidate me so much, and that's why i don't have much on my tbr. but, somehow, the time has come and here we are lol.

okay, maybe i was being a bit dramatic because even though this is a four book series, the first two and the last two follow a different character but still takes place in the same universe. so if by any chance, i just feel so over it, i can just drop it by book two.

and as most sequels does, i honesly do not think that the sequel is necessary? like, it feel like it's being thrown out of no where to me.

i really liked this book throughout the first few chapters. but, the more that i read, the more unlikeable the characters were. the female lead was just, so aggressive in such a way? i mean, he didn't even do much, and on their wedding day she did that? it's an immediate no for me.

also, there are parts where she was just being so annoying and i don't know, i just do not like her that much. and how in the freaking hell does she be able to shoot what 10 guys all at once without being shot just because she's tired of running? and she claimed she was scared of blood? the pieces don't match up, bruh!!

and the male lead wasn't any better, dare i say. i understand why he acts that way, but that clearly doesn't excuse him to act that way. it's his tamper, actually. and i feel like, genuinely, he really does need to go to therapy for himself. but the thing that was revealed at the end of the book, just ruined all the respect that i got for him. he's disgusting, he's shit, he does not deserve to live.

characters to me are very crucial. and these kind of characters are just not it for me and i think that's where the stars keep on sliding off, you know?

despite all of that, i do really love the cliffhangers that were being thrown at the end of most chapters. it really keeps me entertained throughout the book. this is basically the type of series that i can see myself binge reading in a few days.

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