fatal alliances: authormnira

25 1 6

finished: april 9, 2023
random number: 148

I'M DONE!! i'm never going to be using google's so called random number generator no more. heck, no wonder i keep on reading books from the same authors, since the number that is being picked is clearly not randomised at all!!

so what i'm going to do instead is, i cut small pieces of paper with numbers written on them, put them in a jar, and pick randomly from there. hopefully, fingers crossed, it'll be better.

WHAT I WANT, I GET!! i remember really craving a mafia romance, with more action and tension in it, and that's exactly what i got!! this book, needless to say was phenomenal!!

it feels so long since i've read a good mafia book, and once i picked this up, i was reminded of how much i love these books!! the writing style is definitely spectacular, and coming into this book, i know that already since i've read a book by the same author, and also loved it!!

the characters though!! i don't fucking care if there are people out there that says that mateo is toxic, malia is being too much, she's annoying, blah blah blah. the point is, i LOVED them!!

call me blinded by how hot they are, i don't fucking care. and to me, honestly, no, malia isn't too much. i love when our queen knows what she wants, how to get it, and do exactly just that. i actually find her very funny at times.

and as for mateo, shut up, this guy, this guy can talk super dirty and have my damped panties, ask anything he wants and i'll happily give it to him. but, honesly, he and malia is meant to be, so i guess i'm just going to watch them lol.

the plot? i was HOOKED. you really can't trust a single person in this book, can you? and i saw people commenting, oh well, i never liked you anyway. but the thing is, i loved every single one of them in the beginning to suspect them.

so when the plot twists came, my jaw was on the floor. and i'm just glad if i'm being honest, i don't care if i'll be the dumbest reader to read this book, as long as i can experience the shockness from every single plot twist, i'll take.

if i haven't convinced you already in picking up this book, i don't know what else i can tell you then just sit your ass down, and start the book. you'll be hooked from the very first chapter, and if you don't, then leave. no, i'm just kidding, or am i?

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