deviation: thewastelands

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finished: december 23, 2022

WHAT THUNDER HAD STORMED ME, AGAIN? HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY HAVING TO PICK A SHORT BOON UP? even though this book is very short, i didn't expect to finish it in less than 24 hours, i expected 2 days at least, but here we are, i guess.

although it's not technically an amazing book, but i enjoyed my time reading it thoroughly. i even put everything down to read this book, which is very rare of me considering my poor attention span.

bwwm books have never had a special place in my heart, i'd always think that it's not a big deal, but after reading this one, knowing for sure how much toxicity people have to go through just because they're considered 'lower' than others, is DISGUSTING!!

that's something that i LOVE about this book, it brings me a new point of view as it shows how racist people could be. however, i was wishing there were more scenes to the racism, because that's truly one thing that makes this book so unique for itself. i just don't get how in the freaking world can all of this narcissistic and sadist people would just leave them alone knowing that they're living in one of the most racisst place with just one police officer telling them to fuck off? like, that easily?

one thing that i also find unique and love about this book is how open they are towards each other. they would communicate over the smallest thing, and the reason that they parted ways was very understandable with everything that has happened within those few years.

i also love that this book is a very cosy read, having most of the scenes locating in a very secluded area which involves farming!! it's so much fun to read from and so refreshing since most books here on wattpad takes place in big cities, such as new york.

other than that, there's not really much to say, honestly. it's very short with roughly 20 chapters only. but i do feel the connection between our two main characters, i was furious out of my mind when the author flashed us to the future, iykyk.

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