crash landing: authormnira

26 1 6

finished: february 19, 2023
random number: 279

i can't believe it took me this long to read a 25 parts book. just how? and i'm not even THAT busy at school. i don't know if i was in a reading slump or this book is just being slow at the beginning.

surely, the biggest action was at the last chapter. but, throughout the book there is always something going on, this book itself is even divided into two parts. but i don't know what it is about it, every time i would pick it up, i would enjoy my time, but when i'm on my phone, i just prefer to be doing something else, like watching youtube, or just playing games.

maybe action comedy is just not the trope for me. not only in books, but also in films, comedy has never been my cup of tea, but i thought why not? thankfully, there weren't many cringey scenes or jokes in this, which is good. however, the jokes didn't get me laughing or even giggling as well, some did actually have me smiling slightly though!!

the characters aren't bad, but they're definitely not my fave? and of course, my favourite character gotta die. just why? this book does for sure focus more on the action rather than the romance, which i wasn't expecting and maybe that's another reason as to why i'm reading it so slow.

and should i even mention the long chapters again? i mean, it's not the longest that i've read, but my breaks are 5 minute short most of the time, and i'd like to be able to finish a chapter during that short amount of time, which didn't happen here. and when i did get a longer break, i would rather do something else, as i mentioned lol.

i'm also not really into the cia thing. at the beginning, i was very confused and i was just skimming through it, i don't know if you're supposed to, i don't think, but blame it on the tired brain cells. thankfully, i did get the hang of it, when thing started unravelling, and know who's who.

i can see why and how this book can be a favourite for some, but unfortunately, it's just not for me. i do really enjoy it though, hence the four stars. but there were just parts where it was too slow for me?

my favourite part has to be the last chapter. GOSH, it got me shivering, i couldn't stop reading. i just wished there were more of that? clearly, the author knows how to write so well, but it just doesn't hit as hard as it did to most people to me.

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