Meet Naruto

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This is my first ever fanfic I know this chapter will be a bit short I hope to make my next parts longer. 

Hello there this is future me, I'm just hear to say a couple of things for people that might be reading this chapter for the first time. First off I understand this part isn't that good, both in terms of writing and grammar. I plan on fixing that once I finish my whole story. Second is it's okay to skip ahead. My story is fairly linear and easy to follow. I would say to start with the part named aftermath if you were to skip parts of the story. Hope to see you all there.

Jiraiya was suddenly a woken by the roar of the Nine Tails in the middle of the night. The roar woke him up better than one hundred alarm clocks could. He jumped out of his bed and ran toward the window only to have his worst fears confirmed. His first thought was what went wrong but immediately pushed that out of his mind as he races to his closet to put on his shinobi battle gear. Once he put it on, he jumped out the window and joined the Third hokage in trying to fight the mighty beast which is the Nine Tails.

But they were too late because when they arrived all they found was the dead body of Minato Namikaze and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, whose chest had a huge hole in it from where the Nine Tails had stabbed them. As Jiraiya and the Third were consumed by anger and sadness they heard the crying of a baby as they saw on the ground. They then realize that it was Naruto and that Minato had sealed the Nine Tails into his son. As Jiraiya and the Third had done many times before, they pushed their feelings out of the way for the moment and got to work on what needed to be done.


It took all of Jiraiya willpower to not attack these idiots that were many of the members of the civilian council. Earlier when he and the Third walked in with Naruto most of the civilian council said they should kill the boy as well as a few members of the shinobi council. Jiraiya had gotten fed up with it and said, "Anyone who says we should kill this child will answer to me, because I, Jiraiya, as his godfather adopt Naruto Uzumaki." "You can't do that," said a brave member of the civilian council but soon stopped talking when Jiraiya used his killing intent on him. Hiruzen said, "No, he can as godfather can chose to adopt Naruto but we can't take Naruto away from Jiraiya unless he is breaking the law, which he is not." As he and Jiraiya started to walk to the door he said, "the two of you can live in the Uzumaki apartment for now."


4 Years later

Jiraiya was starting to get fed up with Naruto again. Once again Naruto was asking him the same question, asking him to train him. Jiraiya gave the same answer again telling Naruto that he will train him when he reaches the age of five. Jiraiya then took a look out the window and could not believe how lucky he was. Jiraiya then said, "Hey Naruto how about I take you to the park I see that Kiba is at the park." "Sure, Uncle Jiraiya" Naruto said as Jiraiya grasp Naruto and used the Body Flicker to get to the park. At the park as soon as Naruto and Kiba saw each other they started running towards each other. Jiraiya just smiled as he remembered when used to be concerned about Naruto making friends with other kids because he had the Nine Tails sealed in him. But Naruto made 3 great friends even with the Nine Tails those were Kida, Shikamaru, and Choji. Kiba was Naruto best friend because he was hyperactive and love to race against Naruto and fight with his dog Akamaru which Naruto loved. Shikamaru loved to play shogi with Naruto. He was yet to beat the Nara but had come close to it many times. Lastly Choji even though he was fat, did not mind doing physical activities but he loved having eating contests with Naruto and Kiba and that completed their odd little group. Jiraiya continued to watch Naruto and Kiba play until it was time for dinner.


Four days till Naruto turns five

Naruto was getting hungry, but he didn't know what to do since Jiraiya was on a mission. Kakashi would usually then come and take care of Naruto, but he was also on a mission. So, Naruto decided to go to one of his favorite restaurants. When he got there the owner of the restaurant said, "Go way fox demon." "Why do you call me that" asked Naruto. "Because that is what you are. Now go way or I will attack" the owner said. Naruto left as fast as he could after that in tears. Naruto didn't know why the village treated him like that when Jiraiya was not with him, but it had given him the goal to become Hokage to earn the respect of the Village. Worst still it started raining but Naruto did not mind and tried going home a new way. On his way home he smelled a wonderful smell bringing him to a ramen shop called Ichiraku Ramen. He peeked around the corner of the booth and looked at the ramen shop in amazement. When he was seen by the owner he stopped peeking around the conner. But the owner seeing this made him a bowl of ramen and when Naruto came around the corner again and gave it to him. Naruto wanted to eat it slowly but when he got the first taste of it he could not help himself and ate it all as fast as he could. Naruto then asked if he could have a second and Teuchi smiled said, "of course your first meal is on the house." Naruto then thanked him and ate his second bowl. Naruto ate ten bowls of ramen that night.


Naruto 5th birthday

When Kakashi and Jiraiya returned from their missions they went with Naruto and his group of friends along with Might Guy to Naruto new favorite restaurant, Ichiraku Ramen. Teuchi was happy to see Naruto return with friends and with a smile on his face. After they were all done eating, Kiba, Choji, Naruto, and Might Guy had an eating contest which Naruto won and Might Guy told him, "Well done I see the fires of youth burns brightly in you." They then gave Naruto presents; Shikamaru gave Naruto his very own Shogi board telling Naruto that he could now practice on his own so he could maybe beat him he said with a smirk. Choji gave Naruto his very own cookbook, which Choji said could make him a great cook. Kiba gave him a ton of dog food and stuff for when he got his own dog. Kakashi gave him some ninja tools. Might Guy gave him some weights telling him that it will help his fire of youth burn even longer. Jiraiya gave Naruto a scroll with the shadow clone Jutsu which he thought was perfect Jutsu for Naruto due to his high amount of chakra. Naruto thanked them all for their wonderful gifts.


1 day later

Naruto woke up at 6 am sharp and ran over to where Jiraiya was sleeping and woke him up. Telling him it was time to train, Jiraiya just sighed and took Naruto to one of the training grounds and told him they would start with his chakra control.  

I Hope you liked it and if you know of good Jutsu for Naruto please put them in the comments. I will abb to this next week.

Naruto the true godson of JiraiyaWhere stories live. Discover now