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Holy shit- that was my first thought pulling up to the scene and seeing the flames bursting out of the hospitals towers. I quickly jumped out of the engine and pulled up the schematics on my tablet. Walking over to Robert Sullivan, the Battalion Chief- my chief- the one I had to thank and prove to that this promotion was mine and not his wife's. "Chief- 19 where do you want us?"

Usually I would be coordinating but since this quickly rose to a 4 alarm fire it was deferred over. He pinched his nose at the smell of smoke in the air before looking down at me. "Bishop I want 19 on search and rescue. Coordinate your team to set up aid and you'll lead through the search."

"Heard!" I quickly turned to my team putting on their oxygen masks, "19! Search and rescue! Herrera, Montgomery, and Warren I need you setting up aid. Herrera your my eyes and ears" I walked over and grabbed my mask from inside the engine, "Hughes, Miller, Gibson on me we are going in!

We entered through the ER wing of the hospital since it was the most uncompromised. The squawk of Andy came into my mask. "Captain copy, triage is set. 23 is on standby joining search and rescue soon."

Typical 23 joining the charge with their fashionably late response time. My station was the fastest and the best, I pride myself on it. Eyes forward let's go, "19!"

"19!" I heard my team behind me as we started up the stairs. Going level to level, Hughes and Gibson cleared the 2nd level. I went in with Miller on the 3rd. "Cap. 4 civilians coming out now." Andy's voice was direct and to the point. She was my bestfriend and somehow I've never felt her more distant.

"Copy Lieutenant! Gibson and Hughes meet on 3 it's Maternity and it's not looking too good" I said as I checked the pulse of a security guard, feeling it faint. "Sir! Can you hear me?!"

I turned him on his back and checked his pulse again it was faint. Tapping his face to see if consciousness would strike him. By the look of his 3rd degree burns even if he did, it wouldn't last long. His eyes shot open and struggled to breathe. "Hi! I'm Captain Maya Bishop can you tell me your name?"

"It hurts!" he moaned in pain referencing the burns on his chest. His eyes opened wide as if he was remembering something, "she's trapped!"

"Who!? Where!? Sir tell me your name" There was someone else and I looked up at Miller shaking his head knowing the fate the man would have. I scowled at him telling him we had to help him anyway.

"J- Jones, Michael Jones and a- A doctor! Aaah" he grimaced and squeezed my hand hard. "She- she got almost everyone off the floor but on her way back to get a baby the floor above us gave out." I shut my eyes, this was horrible. But it also told me that the structure of the wing was no long stable and search and rescue needed to cease.

"Chief, Bishop. The structure is no longer stable. 4 collapsed on 3." I waited to hear back from Sullivan to receive the order I knew was coming.

"Copy Bishop pull out, get on fire attack. We are at about 60 percent containment. Hopefully we can preserve the rest of the structure." I let him know I heard him and looked at Miller before echoing to my team to pull out and imitate fire attack on the east front.

"Wait you h-have to- to help her" he started coughing up blood. I shook my head not understanding, "She- she's alive! I managed to pull her into a room before the fire came! Please do what I could- could- couldn't."

With that he let go of my hand and I looked at Dean, "Oh no! Captain you heard the Chief!"

"Miller you can go or you can stay, you have Pru after all. There is someone else on this floor and we can save them." I stood there holding my ground and looking at my firefighter. He stood firm.

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