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Maya wasn't a drug, she was a person. A person I loved and respected and would never use selfishly. She didn't make me crave drugs, she made me feel alive and balanced- my love for her felt healing. That's what I realized as I watched her undress herself, focus on the fact you love her and she loves you.

The sight of urgency with which she discarded her clothes and started on mine was humorous. Seeing that her want for me almost matched my desire for her was reassuring. My shirt was pulled over my head and Maya's eyes scrolled the length of my torso.

It never ceased to amaze me the way she reacts to my nakedness, almost as if it is the first time she'd ever seen my bare chest. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to take these shorts off too?" Teasing Maya was in fact my favorite pass time because it was so easy to see the effect I had on her.

"May I?" Maya looked up to me with hope in her eyes and I smiled softly at her before giving a gentle nod. She make consent seem sexy, I don't know if Maya knew how sexy she actually was.

She slowly approached me, hands immediately at my sides, connecting our bare chests before our lips met again. The kiss had so much purpose, so much depth that I needed to hold her face as my back bent back to try and receive it all. Nothing will ever surpass the feeling of her skin against mine, my heart beating against hers, the almost practiced dance of our lips.

Lost in the rhythm of her lips subduing me at every partition and recapture. I didn't notice her undoing my shorts and them sliding down my legs with my underwear. Her hands quickly found my back side and squeezed until a groan escaped her mouth.

In one fail swoop, Maya picked me up and carried me to the bed, she pulled back the covers and climbed onto it before letting me fall. Her eyes scrolled my body with an adoration I hoped mine showed for her too.

My eyes trailed her naked torso, almost examining how toned she was at every angle. The way she sat between my legs made me wish she was wearing a strap, but we didn't need it. I knew Maya would fuck me hard and good without one. "Sei bellisima, mia capitana. Togliatti questo," I tugged on the seam of her panties.

She smiled big, in a way I knew I could get away with anything when I called her 'my captain'. I teased my lip as she slowly backed away from the bed to pull down her panties.

Slowly, she crawled up from the foot of the bed kissing different parts of my legs, but stopped to press a deep kiss just above my scar and my head fell back. Maya kissed everything better, pain felt obsolete under her gaze, lips and arms. She continued to kiss her way up my body and until reaching my lips. Every place her lips had just been was on fire, burning into my core. It was so easy to get lost by the softness of her lips and the taste of her tongue dancing with mine.

A moan escaped my throat as I wrapped my arms around the firmness of her back muscles just under her soft skin. I wanted her in my mouth, I needed to taste her skin over and over. In a quick move I rolled us over and started mimicking her trail down her body. Leaving hot wet kisses over her clavicles and the tops of her breasts. One over every pronounced abdominal muscle that perfectly divided her four quadrants. Tracing my hands up her arms, over her neck. My nails grazed her soft skin, making her squirm as I slowly touched every erogenous zone of her upper body before shifting my focus to trace the length of her closed legs until they landed over her knees.

My strong and fierce captain was shying under me as I traced down the outside of her thighs, "Can you spread your legs for me?" Maya's flush went down to her chest, rising and falling quickly and I knew her heart was racing. Little did she know, so was mine. It warmed me up and filled me with butterflies to know I was the one she trusted to see her this way, I was the one she allowed to witness her so vulnerable.

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