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Lucky for me I was supposed to have the next two day off anyway, which Carina happily took off to take care of me. She said she would be on call but she didn't have any moms close to term on her calendar. Though after these two days, I see why her patients love her, she nursed me back to health better than any other doctor I've ever seen. Though if she did this with all her patients I'd have a couple of words.

It was a weird feeling to have someone tending to my needs, to ensure my room was dim. That ice packs were constantly being rotated for my headaches and kissing the cut she had sewn back together each time. Honestly I felt like I won under her care because I hardly noticed my body had fallen into a sink hole. We spent the whole first day in bed, with the curtains drawn, talking low, and her making me soup.

I convinced Carina to let me work a little bit from home on the second day in exchange for allowing her to lick my wounds and kiss them all better. In the end she won because I didn't get much done, her mouth on my skin was too distracting. I gave into her and we made out for hours. Carina was mindful of my ribs which were still tender and I had to learn to work with my left wrist for the day. I thought I would get tired of having her around so close to me but I didn't.

48 uninterrupted hours with Carina and I wanted 48 million more. That's what I thought of while she drove me to the station and walked me inside, all the things I would do with her if I never had to work again. "I still wished we could have had breakfast together." Carinas hand tightened in mine as we walked inside pulling me from my thoughts. When I looked up at her she was pouting. A part of me knew she felt the same.

"We can have breakfast here. Come on I'll make you breakfast." I happily took Carina into my office so that I could change. It was hard to get dressed when Carina kept tugging at every layer I tried to put on. Eventually I was able to get dressed and then we walked up stairs. "Team you remember Carina."

"Ciao" she waved and I pulled out a stool for her to sit while I made us both breakfast.

"Dr. DeLuca come sit with the team. It's probably going to take cap a minute to figure out cooking." I looked up at Vic offended, I knew how to cook.

"Excuse me, I can cook!" I looked at Carina who raised an eyebrow at me, "Rina, I can cook."

"Okay bella, I'm trusting you." She lifted off the stool and went to go sit with Vic, Travis, and Andy. Everyone wanted to know more about the doctor I've been seeing because although I hadn't spilled any details they knew she was special. I mean obviously I'm cooking and the captain never cooks.

"So Dr. DeLuca-"

"Carina please, I'm not at work yet and I don't need the formalities." Carina gave them her brightest smile and I almost dropped egg shells into the pan from looking.

"Okay Carina, where are you from?" Uh oh that Latin inquisition. I hadn't gave Andy a lot of details either and now Carina would suffer the consequences.

"Sicilia, it's in Italy and I moved here a couple of years ago. Herrera is Spanish, no?" It was nice to see Carina interacting with my team, as long as it wasn't about me.

"So what brought you to Seattle? I'm sure it wasn't the weather. Warren said you were running a study?" I looked up after Vic's question because I felt slightly embarrassed knowing the answer. That was also a conversation I wasn't ready for.

"Si, Andrea works at Grey Sloan and I heard he-"

"I'm sorry Andrea?" Andy asked obviously confused by the name.

"Oh uh my brother, Dr. Andrew DeLuca but Andrea is his given name." They all nodded at her in a mutual understanding. While I finished putting eggs on a plate as the waffles from the waffle maker rang out. "I heard Dr. Bailey was chief of surgery and I thought if anyone would approve my study in their hospital it would be her."

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