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Sleep had not been easy to come by in the last week, but as usual sleeping in Maya's arms let me sleep through the night for the first time since I started recovery. My body stirred awake from the amount of heat pressed up against me, I tried to move but realized the heat was from being pressed so closely to the strong woman cuddled behind me. Her arm was tucked under my shirt holding my boob. Our feet intertwined.

It was 6:00am and Maya hadn't gotten up for her run, which was surprising. I felt movement right behind me as her face came in to nuzzle my hair before taking a deep breath, my scent seemingly soothing her back into sleep.

Her bed was soft and I had urges surging through my body, it was hard to differentiate between what it was craving- the woman whose touch made my body hotter or the other. After quick self-analyzing my body felt fine, neutral, everything was- as it should be. I shifted in Maya's arms to lay on my back to look at her and I understood it was craving Maya.

My tongue moved over my bottom lip as I eyed her face, the structure was still sharp and defined except for her pronounced cheeks with her adorable button nose. Rosy pink lips looked a little dry and out of worry I placed a wet kiss on them, unable to hold myself back. Anything to prevent her rosy pink lips from getting chapped, I told myself.

The more I looked at the beautiful woman lying next to the more panic started to set in as doubts that I would use Maya to replace the other urges surfaced, and that was the last thing I wanted.

My breast felt the sudden squeeze and I fought the moan her touch almost pulled from me, it was amazing how instantly my body always responded to her. "So we are stealing kisses now?" She said in her raspy sleep voice.

"Apparently, touches too." I playfully tapped the hand under my shirt, flirting has always been a coping mechanism to hide my nerves, "Your lips were a little dry, it was out of worry." I bit my lip as her eyes fluttered open. "Buongiorno, bella." I was going to ask why she wasn't going for her run but I was enjoying her choice to stay in bed with me to hold me.

"Good morning, and your boob was cold. I was being polite." I rolled my eyes before letting a small chuckle fall from my mouth. "I just wanted to feel your heartbeat."

"Hmm very soft, Captain Bishop." I moved her hand to the valley of my breasts, "You can feel it better here. Especially right now." My heart was beating fast under Maya's touch. By my own internal habits, 97 beats per minute.

She concentrated on her hand placement, I moved her face towards mine and she smiled. "It is beating really fast, somewhere in the 90s, I lost count."

"You make my heart race.. dammi un bacio. " A smile tugged on the edge of Maya's mouth and she leaned over smiling into my lips. I loved her smile, the way it scrunched her nose and made her eyes shine.

Nothing like how her lips felt, they were always hot and showed the passion she carried inside her. Maya could kiss me softly with so much tenderness and love but once she was in a rhythm- Dio, salve mie gambe. - God, save my legs. –

It was only seconds before she was pushing her leg between mine to spread them apart while I just held her hand in place. I lost myself in her venturing rhythm, forgetting the reasons I once had to avoid her. Every bite on my lip roared my libido back from the hibernation it had taken. Every flick of her tongue with mine brought everywhere it had once been, to life. I needed her, wanted her, ached everywhere.. I needed more, so much more!

In an act of pure lust, I groaned into her mouth as I took her lip between my teeth before rolling us over. Only then realizing what I was doing, stop Carina... she's not a coping mechanism. Taking the hands once traveling my body and pinning them on either side of her head. "Maya," I uttered between gritted teeth, "As much as I would like to fuck that tongue so I can't remember my name, we need to talk. Preferably with some clothes."

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