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Andy walked back from the restaurant as I watched Carina leave in the car with some woman I'd never seen before. The way she clung onto Carina made my skin crawl, it almost seemed like a date. To see her again after so long was something I didn't expect to put me back at square one. Not that I was anywhere close to forgetting her. "I told you to stay in the car."

"I couldn't just sit in the car, she's out on a date and now I'm picturing her going home with that woman and I thought maybe if she saw me she wouldn't-" I stopped myself after realizing I sounded like a jealous ex. Though me and Carina never made anything really official it still stung. The last we talked about it was during my stent in the hospital where I let my deepest thoughts surface. She never brought it up the next day so we didn't talk about what it meant. Not that it mattered now.

"What? That she wouldn't sleep with her?" My eyes darted at Andy for saying that out loud. "What, Maya!? I've been telling you to track her down for days and you're being so stubborn. Acting like you don't love her."

I groaned at her and turned to get in the car. I was not in love with Carina. Sure I liked her but I didn't love her. I liked her more than anyone I'd ever been involved with but is that considered love? I shook my head free of the thoughts, "Get in Andy we have work tomorrow so.." I jumped into my car and waited for her to get into the passenger seat.

We drove straight back to my apartment for our girls night with Vic who didn't want to leave my couch to help us pic up the food. It was more for Andy since she couldn't sit in the hospital with her husband, whoah that still felt weird to know. A shock to me for sure, learning that my boss was not only my best friends boyfriend but her husband and that he was also stealing drugs from the PRT because of some nerve damage he was avoiding treatment for. It was almost too much to digest.

According to Warren, Dixon was the one who covered up for his messes and the only reason we all found out was because of a slip up from the probie. I asked Andy one question and it seemed like the whole truth came pouring out- like something she had been holding in for months. The first person I wanted to call was not answering her phone, or my messages.

What I hadn't told Andy was I had asked Carina to talk but she didn't answer. Every call after was sent straight to voicemail, signaling her phone was off. Carina was actively ignoring me, I felt it tonight, and when I went to hospital- she had apparently not been going to work, which was worrying. A worry that only grew when Andrew showed up at the fire station asking if I'd heard from her.

Apparently Dr. Bailey said we were working together on the gala. He seemed to believe our relationship was strictly professional and that made me unusually disappointed, I thought Carina would have mentioned me. Maybe I just didn't mean that much to her.

Now thanks to Andy, I spent the rest of the evening thinking about and imagining Carina getting fucked by that woman. It spoiled my evening and it eliminated any trace of appetite I had. I just sipped on my beer and watched them eat all the tacos while I thought about her. "So are we all excited for the party this weekend? Or just the fact that we have the whole weekend off!" Vic said in the middle of her third taco.

The stupid party- okay it wasn't stupid, but now that Carina was seeing someone I no longer wanted to go. She would be there with her and they would be together and I would end up ripping my head off if she kissed her in front of me. "As long as there is alcohol I will be fine."

Vic looked at Andy and they exchanged glances, I pretended not to see them. "She saw Carina with some hot doctor." Andy said to Vic and I rolled my eyes at her calling the woman hot. To top it off I now knew it was a doctor. Great, they have more in common than she would ever have with you, a broody firefighter.

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