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The sun was actually shining through the gloomy Seattle sky. It felt like the first time I'd been outside in days. First time since Andrea had a manic episode over a patient that could have cost him his career. He was a genius, my baby brother, but so is our papa. I sat with him for 12 hours while his meds kicked in and it pained me to see him in his post manic depressive episode. He was getting better and I- I was just enjoying the rarity of sun on my face.

"Okay but the tumor has clear boundaries, I still think there is potential to excise it without having to remove the whole thing." Moment over, I looked back down to Meredith looking at the 3D MRI on the tablet. I leaned over and she was straight face not wanting to consider the idea I had proposed.

"No. There's reason why hysterectomies are the best option for treating this kind of cancer. I told you my idea and if you give the okay I can call the doctor running the study and ask-"

"Uterine transplants are temporary solutions DeLuca, there is also little evidence that she would be able to carry a child on a transplanted uterus after radiation." Meredith was being stubborn and not even wanting to read the research paper.

"She can't carry a child with this one— how many abdominal transplants were successful before you put a whole new one on Owen's sister!?" Me and Meredith were having our differences since Andrea had his episode. I had been telling her he was working too much too fast and she didn't believe me.

"Wow." Amelia had been eating her lunch and watching us bicker over the same thing for the last hour. "Mer just read the damn article. Who's it by anyway?"

I looked away from Meredith's intense blue eyes and then to Amelia's amused ones, "She is someone I met in Italy during my residency. She came to give a talk and was amazing! Dr. Addison Forbes-Montgomery she's a-"

"Addi!? Addi wrote the paper! Mer! Read it! Get her on a plane! As a matter of fact I'll call her!" Amelia jumped out of the chair and I was confused. I looked at her and then at Meredith.

The blonde woman shrugged her shoulder, "Let me see the article DeLuca, preferably before she gets here and reams me for not having read it already."

"I'm confused, you know her?" My head was spinning.

"She's— she was my husbands first wife. So Amelia and her are very close." She was smiling as if it wasn't awkward.

I nodded my head, "The article is on your desk with a big cover page, 'PLEASE READ, STOP IGNORING ME'' I gestured over the sky. Meredith rolled her eyes and stood up to leave.

"Are you coming?" She grabbed her plate of food and looked back at me.

"I'll let you go read it and punch yourself for not listening to me, again" I sat back and went back to enjoying the sun on my skin. "It won't happen again." Her voice was soft but I know she understood what I meant. I heard her walk away and I went back into my thoughts. I would go check on Andrea before I went and gloated to Meredith about the article.

The sun felt nice on my skin, how long I had sat there resting my eyes I wasn't sure. My ears perked up when I heard a small "Hi." I pried my eyes open and looked up at the face now covering my sun, except the light pouring through her blonde hair made it seem like a halo. Her face was soft and I'd missed it, I couldn't help but smile upon seeing her. "Ciao bella, what are you doing here?"

I sat up in my chair and she took the chair Amelia had been sat in. I waited for her to talk but she was just looking at me, stuck in her head again. "Maya?"

"You weren't answering your phone." Oh crap. I looked around and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see what day it was. I scrunched my eyes as I saw the date. I had been so preoccupied with Andrea I had not checked in with her. "It's okay.. I heard and I should have dropped in sooner when you weren't."

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