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It's been a month and Maya had called me almost every off day she had. Maya would call to check in on my progress and somehow we would end up talking on the phone for hours. Somehow talking about the randomest things like the weird calls she would go on. I know it wasn't to keep me informed on what weirdness happened in Seattle but to keep my mind occupied from how bored I would get.

She was funny and intense, her drive for work and life was amazing to hear. It was her ambition that was even more riveting, she wanted so much for herself and was determined to get it. It didn't take long to see what she really meant about her crazy schedule.

The days I wouldn't hear from her I found myself worried because I knew she was working and if a fire got too crazy she would need to go in.

There was also the thought that maybe she had found someone else. That maybe she decided she couldn't wait. People had needs and Maya was beautiful and a catch to anyone. Her eyes were captivating and her lips... I found myself thinking about her lips way too often. The way they felt in mine... fantasy producing.

That's what I thought of while I was doing my exercises. So when my phone rang, I almost fell over from excitement to go answer it.

When I finally reached it I sighed because it was Amelia, "Ciao Amelia."

"Up for company? I'm outside so don't get snippy and buzz me in." I rolled my eyes and hobbled over to the door to buzz her in and open it. I went back to the wall I used to support myself during my strength barring exercises.

Amelia waltzed in with food in her hand and I was just realizing that I hadn't ate. "Look at you, I love this. You on your feet!"

"I need to get back to work. A broken bone isn't going to stop me." I slowly raised and bent my knee, lowering it to the ground groaning my way through.

"Are you weight bearing yet?" She took the food out of the bag and set it over the coffee table that replaced my leg stand.

"I can stand on it. I can take steps with a walker and support. Therapy is helping, but I hate how slow it's moving." If it weren't for the meds I'd still be with my feet kicked up.

"Carina you had surgery because you broke the biggest bone in your body and are on your feet 5 weeks later. It wasn't a small fracture either. Some people take 36 to get here." She was trying to keep me positive and of all the people who should be pessimistic she was remaining positive. I grunted and nodded.

"How's the hospital? Am I going to make it in time to see it open? Maybe we can reopen together!" That was the one thing keeping me sane. The hospital was still under construction so I wasn't compromising the department by being one doctor down.

"It should be ready in 3 weeks. At least that's what Bailey is dictating." She threw a fry in her mouth.

"Then 3 weeks it is." We both laughed knowing it was always Bailey's way or no way. "How about you bring some fries this way and help me take a few steps."

"With pleasure." she grabbed a bunch of fries and walked over to me pushing some in my mouth. Before playfully putting one in hers and leaning in to offer it to me.

This was playful and I never took anything we did too seriously. It was refreshing. I bit it close enough to her lips without actually touching them. "Thank you, now get behind me."

"Tease." She smiled at me and moved around to grip my waist around the the belt that secured my brace to my hips. "To the couch?" Her lips touched the back of my neck.

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