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For the first time in a while I was asked to grab drinks by Andy. It was already unexpected and when I showed up Vic, Warren, and Travis were there. I wondered to myself how often this happened, since I became captain I fully believed the bar outings were just not happening as much.

Everyone cheered as I walked in and I couldn't help but feel weird. They handed me a beer and I fixed my face to not show my surprise. I smiled and sat in the empty seat next to Warren and Vic. "Warren, where are the kids?"

"Movies with some girls, I am picking them up after hence the soda." He pointed down at the fizzy drink. I shook his shoulder apologetically.

We were all busy talking about the weird call we had gone on last night and didn't understand how people could be so unstable. Vic was in the middle of a story when I saw something in the corner of my eye get my attention.

I recognized that mane of hair anywhere, especially when the coat came off and I took in the beautiful profile that was Carina's body figure. She was walking back from the bar with her resident, limping actually. It was so subtle but I noticed everything about Carina. Amelia's face immediately lit up and I tightened my grip around my beer.

I was no longer paying attention to the conversation at the table because now I was watching everyone looking at Carina while she spoke. I couldn't exactly blame them because I was always entranced as well. They laughed at whatever she had said, how couldn't they, she was funny.

"What are you staring at?" Vic's voice brought me back to the table. I looked down and realized I had scratched the label off my beer. She was looking to see who was at the other end of my eyeline. Andy was now also looking and smiled when she saw who it was.

"Oh, Maya's frriieeendd. Go say hi Bishop." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Now everyone was teasing me except for Warren who just laughed.

"What are you giggling at Ben?" Vic said catching him laughing.

"Carina DeLuca.. the heartthrob of the hospital. She got to you too huh?" He looked at me and I furrowed my brows.

Heartthrob? Was I just another sucker? "Is she a popular woman?" I asked wondering what I was getting myself into.

"Yes, but not for bad reasons. Her study made her a popular woman but she's very selective otherwise. I only knew her being involved with one doctor before." Warren said then looked at me now from head to toe, "Come to think of it, seems she has a type."

"You hear that Bishop, so hurry up and make it official. Look she's walking to get another drink!" Andy said pointing at the bar.

My head turned immediately to see her strolling to the bar and sitting to order a drink, her leg was all I could think about. I was about to go when I saw a man approaching her. Again, beautiful women got attention- and Carina was by far the most attractive one here.

He paid for her drink and introduced himself. Her head bobbed, I think she must have realized she knew him and proceeded to shake his hand as he sat down. My head was starting to hurt from how hard I was clenching my teeth.

"Oh no. Tell me you two are exclusive." Travis said, "because he is fine.. if she doesn't have him I will."

I looked at him and he pretended to choke and look somewhere else. I turned back and he was smiling at her. Obviously flirting. "Warren is he a doctor?"

He looked at him and raised his eyebrows before taking a sip of drink, "Dr. Rojas. He's the new head of Anesthesiology. Very popular and not for the good reasons. Can't even buy women dinner first."

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