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10:30. That's enough time right? Warren said she was getting discharged at 8am so if I wait 2 hours she should be home. I've waited, been patient. I don't want to sound too eager to see her. Maybe I could call with a baby question about Pru? No.. she deals with pregnancy not babies.

I sat there contemplating with her number already dialed on my phone. Would she think I'm keeping tabs on her if I call the day she is getting discharged? Is she alone? What if she needs help!?

10:32. Fuck it I'm calling. The vibrations from the line ringing made me nervous, how does she make me nervous even over the phone. Crap she answered. "Ciao, Dra. DeLuca" damn she sounds sexy.

"Umm hi it's May- Captain Maya Bishop." I slapped my forehead mad that I didn't just say Maya. I sat back in my office chair hoping her laugh was not at my greeting.

Her laugh was faint and I could hear the smile over the phone, "Ciao Maya.. so you were able to find my number." She knows she had me, I could tell by the tone of her voice.

"Like you said I'm a big time Captain, I just didn't think I'd be using my resources for personal gain." I kept telling myself to relax, treat this as if you were trying to get with anyone else. Except this woman has you by the-

"And what is it you're hoping to gain from this call?" The woman knew what she wanted and didn't care to call me out. It kept me on my toes and I don't know how much I liked it.

"Are you home yet? I'm off shift soon" I've been off shift but buying time with paperwork, "Maybe I could bring you soup or pizza- something healing?"

"Something tells me you knew I'd be home already. I'm not entertaining the kind of company your looking for right now. Like I said 8 weeks." She was seeing through me. Maybe she's expecting me to avoid it so let's test the waters.

"As much as I would like to do you, I wouldn't mind sitting and having a meal with you. What if the vibe isn't even there?"

"Hmm was the vibe in my hospital room not enough?" There she goes again calling me on my own words.

"What if it was just the hospital?" I laughed trying to save myself.

"Then I should stay away from you. Being a weirdo that gets turned on by hospitals." I laughed more, she was funny and it made this, what did she call it grafting thing, more interesting.

"Okay well how about I bring you pizza and you can gauge whether I'm worth waiting 8 weeks for." She didn't answer, had I finally said something that made her hold the cards in her hand back?

"What if I know the answer already?" I rolled my eyes. This woman was impossible and made it so I had to be direct. It was challenging but maybe that's what kept me interested and wanting to know more of her.

"Carina I want to see you and I want to feed you. So just let me or tell me I'm wasting my time." There I gave in and it was either going to be good or bad.

"I'll send you my address. The kind of pizza you bring will be another test. Choose wisely, ciao." The line cut out and I can't believe it worked. Part of me was mad that she hung up on me, but I was mostly relieved. I jumped out of my seat and ran to go home and get ready.


I changed my outfit four times, for what? To sit on a couch and each pizza with a beautiful woman. I don't do dates, much less phone calls to ask someone to let me see them. Even now, I'm standing in front of Carina's building holding a hot box of pizza asking my self- What the fuck are you doing!?

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